Wat guys keep you coming back to the MC ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Do any of you guys look up to any of the guys here on the MC ? I know their are a lot of smart guys on here. But just the short time that I have been on here I have seen Nuk go from a monster to absolute FREAK !!! And I look up to what Presser and Wesley has to say. But I still think Presser is gay and wears fip fops. LOL.. And if it wasn't for watching a lot of Wesley videos I don't think I would be back in the gym again like I am now. And when he says some supps are good I listen Becuz most likely they are. You are a BEAST Wes and your videos kick butt. And last but not lease if it wasn't for Chris250 and by brother from another mother Zeus I would still be a toothpick. Thanks guys.
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I've had a leap of absense , but mc is a very well ran board with non bias , knowledgable bros who tell it how it is
Not to mention plenty of a++ sponsors
Thanks Lightsout, that means alot, and it makes me happy to hear that I can help motivate you...

The members here at MC, thats what keeps me here... Some members come and go, there are a few that stay, many even top pro's get out of the sport...that will never happen for me or for many of you....and I like to learn from everyone's experiences and hear the lifting experiences that you guys all have, and love the political debates, even if I am the oddball LOL, even if we disagree I know everyone here is like family at the end of the day.

I would name off all you guys, but everyone here is what keeps me motivated!! I love sticking around the bodybuilding crowd, because BBers have the knowledge when it comes to nutrition, gear, supplements, etc... Bodybuilding is at the top of the game in the WeightLifting industry IMO..
I totally agree with all of the above! I can't tell you how times I've wanted to puss out and not go lift and all I have to do is jump on this board to get my ass pumped up and motivated. I look at all the regulars that keep this deal going and they all have different goals, backgrounds, body types, and levels of experience but the one thing you all have in common is a willingness to share your knowlegde and an enthusiasm for the sport. The goals I set for myself 3 years ago I really assumed were unattainable until I found this site and became a more and more frequent visitor. I now have to reset my goals and aim even higher which I'm very excited about. There's no way I could've achieved what I have in last year and a half without the MC community, so a BIG THANK YOU to everyone! Nice post too Lightsout!
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Personally I like hearing from everyone on here. I've gotten an amazon amount of great information from everyone on here. It's also nice to have so many intelligent perspectives. It really opens up your eyes. I tend to back myself into tight little areas based on my opinions. The guys here help me see different sides with some logical reasoning.
I dont think any of you guys are in any way "normal" but in my world you all are what I consider
regular guys. We are in some ways totally different yet were the same. We are respectfull to
each other. give each other shit, a accumulation of knowledge without ego you wont find
anywhere else, all sick and twisted in some way, you know, NORMAL.
And lightsout, glad it was you who commented on the speedos and flip flops.
Oh yeah, and the site is run by Presser. No ego and takes no shit. Gotta love it.
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I like the honesty and that we don't play that behind the screen tough guy crap. We all have an opinion and we disagree on just about anything but respect all different views. Everyone is helpful and I think in the end everyone wants everyone else to be safe and knowledgeable.
I like the honesty and that we don't play that behind the screen tough guy crap. We all have an opinion and we disagree on just about anything but respect all different views. Everyone is helpful and I think in the end everyone wants everyone else to be safe and knowledgeable.

oh yeah, I ment to say that too. I have seen guys on here have complete opposite opinions on something but dont even get close to getting mad (and stupid)
at each other. Makes me wonder how so many immature guys can be so mature like that. lol
Every day I try to get on here to read what's new with everyone ,and ask option . musclechemistry and everyone here has helped me over the years learn so much and while reading there experiences , my home from home
I look up to a lot of you guys. I'm not a big guy (160-175) so a lot of you are huge compared to me and it gives me motivation to do things that can compare to the size in some ways. Most of the time for me it's getting stronger on lifts or getting lean and staying strong at the same time. I'm always wanting to see something some posts whether it be a training video, pics or routines
i agree with what everyone has said and for some damn reason yall put up with my crazy ass so until yall kick me off im gonna keep coming back

MC is kinda like my online therapy i feel comfortable talking about anything, i can learn a lot about myself and learn from others

90+% of the guys/girls on here truely want to help and go about it perfect-respectful-honest
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i agree with what everyone has said and for some damn reason yall put up with my crazy ass so until yall kick me off im gonna keep coming back

MC is kinda like my online therapy i feel comfortable talking about anything, i can learn a lot about myself and learn from others

90+% of the guys/girls on here truely want to help and go about it perfect-respectful-honest

I agree with you 90+% of the guys/gals here are here to help out. You can say anything or ask what you want. And if we are going at it the wrong way we will tell each other. This is why we are all family here. We don't except asshole here. And when one comes around they don't stay long or they get ran off. This is why I truly love this site and I want the best in life for all my brothers and sisters here.
First and foremost the members, but second to that is the management of the board. Most other boards are cashing in on supporting sponsers that rip off their members and are just generally shady. I have never ran into that at MC. I was a Site Rep here for years so I know both sides and can tell you with 100% honesty that this is the only board I trust.
Just ran across this thread in SIMILAR THREADS AREA, and thought it was a good topic!

I come back time and time again because every zoo needs a zoo keeper lmao
I come back to MC because Presser kick's all the dick-heads out. Lots of good information here.