

New member
I seriously do not know how you guys do it. From about 4pm on Saturday afternoon to Sunday night my gf has me out with her running errands, going to this store and that store, this mall and that mall. Between yesterday and today we ate out at 6 different places. Grand total of 160 bucks later, the main problem was the diet...

How do you do it?
My wife goes to the gym with me and has a very strict diet. Stricter than mine even so its easy to stay on the straight
I wish my gf had a strict diet. Her favorite meal is nachos and cheese... Luckily for her she is 5'1 115 at 30 years old so its not like she is 22 and all the bad eating is gonna catch up to her, shes a vet lol..

Its bad enough my obsession with my diet over the past 3 months is driving her a little crazy, I dont want it to take a toll on the relationship by eating in fri and sat nights and staying home all day eating chicken and broccoli. Heres our rundown from sat afternoon on

Saladworks (got a grilled chix salad)
Mall Food Court
Ruby Tuesday (got a salad)
Spain Inn (ordered a few apps and paella...)
My girl is the same way. The difference is, I make sure we eat at places where I can get stuff like an 8 oz grilled chicken breast with a side consisting of 1 cup of brown rice. Granted it is way more expensive than preparing the same meal at home, but it really makes it so that eating out is not detrimental to my routine or my gains. Feel me?
i do feel you shap. I try to eat good when i go to these places but it always ends up being a salad. It gets to the point where thats all i order and she says if all youre going to get is salad you make me feel like a fat ass for getting nachos or fried stuff. They always put the salad in front of her and when the waiter or waitress leaves we do the switcharoo.. Guess we both are gonna have to get over it
Also having a wife that is 5' 1" that used to be 115 when she was 33 and now weighs 138 (down from 148 a bit ago) at 44, it is in your and her best interest to nip that kind of behavior in the bud. Get her to eat healthy now and make it a habit. She may think she's immune to the weight gain, but she isn't. It WILL catch up with her. Just be blunt with her and tell her, "Yes, you will be a fat ass if you keep eating like that." My wife is only realizing this now and has been trying to keep portions under control and eating healthier. Sometimes you just have to tell it like it is.