weird dreams

I read an artical a while back about this... I always thought it was just anxiety thing,
but it actually has to do with the AS, ofcourse we know AS makes your body produce more blood than normal. Well when you sleep and reach the stage of sleep where your brain starts producing delta waves and you experiance REM (Rapid Eye Movement)
more blood enters the brain while in this stage of sleep.
Now take in to account you now have an extra supply of blood in your body, so therfore you have even more blood entering the brain. Also your muscles dont relax the way they should while in this state, it throws the normal balance of seratonin off.
Thats where the dreams come from...
Try some xanax if available. :thumbsup:
One really good supp to help you sleep is GABA. It helps your brain calm down so you can sleep--works like a charm and another benefit is that it helps increase GH levels.
I have used GABA before, but i heard that you only get about a good 4hours sleep from it and then you are fully awake in the middle of the nite...I have experienced somewhat of that side,..but it wasn't bad,...i just had to try to go back to sleep and it would take another hour..but i don't know maybe it was in my head..
It may depend on other factors as far as getting a full night's sleep. I only use GABA to help me fall asleep initially because sometimes I can't stop thinking. My brain races from thought to thought, but the GABA helps that stop (I don't take very much). I mentioned in another thread that I changed my workouts to mid-day and found that I slept much better. I think that my workouts are so intense that when done too late, it interfered with my sleep.