Welcome a very good bro with a ton of knowledge.......

Damn, Fellas!!! That was one hell of a welcome!!! Very much appreciated!

Thanks to Skip and everyone for the compliments, as well. It says a lot of the board when there are so many positive posts w/o even a reply from the person to whom they're directed! Obviously this speaks highly for Skip's respect here, too.

BTW, if anyone is in the AZ "area," zip me a PM, if ya like.

Yep, welcome bro!
And yes, when Skip says you know your shit, that carries much weight on the board, but I think MC is just an overall friendly place, too! Enjoy and stick around please. I can always use more advice!


Kiss said:
What's up homonunculus? Interesting choice of name bro.

Welcome to MC...

Don't get asked that too often, to be honest. Its an aberration of homunculus, a kind of obscure medical term referring to a body model with enlarged hands, feet, face etc. in proportion to the tactile discrimination on the skin in those areas.

Firgured no one would pick that so I could use it everywhere...


P.S. Note that I DON'T sign off with or use "Homo" for short... LMAO :D

homonunculus said:
Don't get asked that too often, to be honest. Its an aberration of homunculus, a kind of obscure medical term referring to a body model with enlarged hands, feet, face etc. in proportion to the tactile discrimination on the skin in those areas.

Firgured no one would pick that so I could use it everywhere...


P.S. Note that I DON'T sign off with or use "Homo" for short... LMAO :D

I'm a Physical Therapist by training and have not heard the term
"homonculus" since school a few years ago.