Welcome back!


Staff member
We apologize for the downtime over this past weekend! During this time we moved our entire site to Dedicated Off Shore Servers! This move will enable MuscleChemistry and Its members to feel just a little bit more secure and allow us more freedom in what we allow to be posted by our members and advertised by our sponsors.

This does NOT mean this site will turn into some free for all Steroid Advertising and trading flee market! MuscleChemistry will still be run as professional as it has ever been run however we will be able to bring our members the best Advertisers and Sponsors.

Just because MuscleChemistry.com is now located outside the USA does not mean our members shouldn't still be mindful of the laws that govern the Country , State or Provinces in which you reside.

In the upcoming weeks MuscleChemistry will be adding many more features and upgrading our site to the latest version of vbulletin.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact one of our Site Representatives!

Thank you
Team MuscleChemistry
AHH! Feels like I can stretch out and relax now. MC is now @ the beach baby!! Now we can say shit, fuck, mother fu, well....maby not. lol
Thank god! I was freakin out!! I spend a lot of time on here and there isn't another forum worth a shit that I could find!!
so many threads lately that deserve this

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