Well this sucks...


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Over the holiday weekend, went back up north to hang with family. Of course being the "big" and favorite uncle/cousin to the kids, I got nominated to be the toy for the weekend, which I really don't mind. I'd rather play with the kids than hang with half of the adults anyways. So back to the story at hand... there I was throwing the kids into the pool. Now keep in mind I have a huge family, and all of my cousins have at least 2 or 3 kids each, a few have 4 or 5. So I'm basically doing kid tossing for what seemed like an hour. One after another, they just kept coming so D-ya could throw them like a bag of potatoes into the pool. When throwing my 35lb niece into the deep end, there was a pop pop and it felt like I got shot in my tailbone. Since then walking is a real struggle and needless to say, the gym isn't working out so well. Now I'm trying to work and nurse my lower back so that I can get back after it. I feel like I'm shrinking by the hour. I hate injuries. Wish me luck. I'm going to try to apply MC IGF straight to the area to see if my "Miracle in a Bottle" will help with this. (Along with ice,heat, and Biofreeze). Right now it feels like there is a vice squeezing my last few lower vertebrae, and there's a lot of pain associated with it.
Over the holiday weekend, went back up north to hang with family. Of course being the "big" and favorite uncle/cousin to the kids, I got nominated to be the toy for the weekend, which I really don't mind. I'd rather play with the kids than hang with half of the adults anyways. So back to the story at hand... there I was throwing the kids into the pool. Now keep in mind I have a huge family, and all of my cousins have at least 2 or 3 kids each, a few have 4 or 5. So I'm basically doing kid tossing for what seemed like an hour. One after another, they just kept coming so D-ya could throw them like a bag of potatoes into the pool. When throwing my 35lb niece into the deep end, there was a pop pop and it felt like I got shot in my tailbone. Since then walking is a real struggle and needless to say, the gym isn't working out so well. Now I'm trying to work and nurse my lower back so that I can get back after it. I feel like I'm shrinking by the hour. I hate injuries. Wish me luck. I'm going to try to apply MC IGF straight to the area to see if my "Miracle in a Bottle" will help with this. (Along with ice,heat, and Biofreeze). Right now it feels like there is a vice squeezing my last few lower vertebrae, and there's a lot of pain associated with it.
Hey brother I just read your post I don't want to say I'm sorry to hear that brother as you were looking very good. However don't get discouraged because you can always make a comeback. Now for some good news my good friend slash training partner slash boss injured his back about 8 months ago squatting 365 with no belt, and I did exactly what you said you were going to do and honest to God he was healed up within a month-and-a-half now he can't even tell that it happened. What I did was microdose MCs igf into the exact area where the pain was coming from I did this 3 times throughout the day I believe at 30 MCG each time, I also added in some tb500, and within a week the pain started to subside Hamlet then probably I would say I month the pain was gone completely and we did it for another month after that two months all together. Now here we are eight months later and he cannot even tell it ever happens so don't let it get you too down brother. MC'S igf is a miracle in a bottle keep us posted on how it is working out for you..

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Hey brother I just read your post I don't want to say I'm sorry to hear that brother as you were looking very good. However don't get discouraged because you can always make a comeback. Now for some good news my good friend slash training partner slash boss injured his back about 8 months ago squatting 365 with no belt, and I did exactly what you said you were going to do and honest to God he was healed up within a month-and-a-half now he can't even tell that it happened. What I did was microdose MCs igf into the exact area where the pain was coming from I did this 3 times throughout the day I believe at 30 MCG each time, I also added in some tb500, and within a week the pain started to subside Hamlet then probably I would say I month the pain was gone completely and we did it for another month after that two months all together. Now here we are eight months later and he cannot even tell it ever happens so don't let it get you too down brother. MC'S igf is a miracle in a bottle keep us posted on how it is working out for you..

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Hey Brother I just read message I sent to you and I realize at the beginning I made a mistake cuz of the damn autocorrect on the phone. what I meant to say was, I read your post and I wanted to say I'm sorry to hear that..

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I hope this doesn't sound like a silly question, but have you seen your doctor or a specialist yet? Spinal injuries can be very serious things if they are not seen to properly, and your future self will be thankful for proper care now.

I'm very sorry to hear about your injury/setback. Hoping for a quick recovery and years of great back health ahead of you. HUGS.
Sucks man. I know about them lower back issues. You say it went "pop pop"... hope like hell you didn't bulge a disc. Same thing happen with my neck & now I have a herniated disc. Whatever it is, I hope you get it lined out
Btw, do you have any ostarine? That stuff worked good for me on the injuries. Didn't heal em completely, but definitely helped & should have run it longer. I just thought of it because presser posted that it's back in stock.
Over the holiday weekend, went back up north to hang with family. Of course being the "big" and favorite uncle/cousin to the kids, I got nominated to be the toy for the weekend, which I really don't mind. I'd rather play with the kids than hang with half of the adults anyways. So back to the story at hand... there I was throwing the kids into the pool. Now keep in mind I have a huge family, and all of my cousins have at least 2 or 3 kids each, a few have 4 or 5. So I'm basically doing kid tossing for what seemed like an hour. One after another, they just kept coming so D-ya could throw them like a bag of potatoes into the pool. When throwing my 35lb niece into the deep end, there was a pop pop and it felt like I got shot in my tailbone. Since then walking is a real struggle and needless to say, the gym isn't working out so well. Now I'm trying to work and nurse my lower back so that I can get back after it. I feel like I'm shrinking by the hour. I hate injuries. Wish me luck. I'm going to try to apply MC IGF straight to the area to see if my "Miracle in a Bottle" will help with this. (Along with ice,heat, and Biofreeze). Right now it feels like there is a vice squeezing my last few lower vertebrae, and there's a lot of pain associated with it.
Go get asperacream with lidocaine get it numb inflammation will go down.
Take Motrin 4-600 mg every 4 hours.
Use ice not heat.
But always ice before taking warm shower then ice after.
Take fish oil and more than enough
Get water into joints help separate vertebra and disc space.
Have someone pop or re-align u.
U may be able to get on your own or have someone push area of pain
And pop it!

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I have bulging herniated discs
L4, L5, S1. In cervical spine c4,c5,c6.
I have to pop all the time and it goes from vise pressure to soreness
I get it from lower back and it wraps around my hip goes down side of leg into knee
I get it from twisting or working at twisted position.
Sucks hate it..
Don't feel bad haven't worked out but once since Friday
Just fell off groove with sh8t going on!
Missed lunch even a few days.
And I cycle off in a week to low low cruise

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Damn brutha LeatherHead. Wishing you the best.
Good recomendations already let me add the obvious, REST. I would also use some DMSO several times a day. 2 of those times crush up asprin real fine and mix it with the DMSO and have someone apply it. That has worked great for some sholder issues i had from presses.
Thanks everyone! Let me try to answer all of the questions in order... I said try.
Heidikins, no I have not yet. I'm pretty sure it's muscular, because when I load it up with Biofreeze, I can move painlessly again, at least for a short time. If not all better by the end of the weekend, I'll definitely get into the doc.
Big Beef, I do actually have a bottle of Ostarine. I'll crack it open tonight when I get home.
Muscle Mech, I have been icing some, and applying Biofreeze or Tiger Balm. I am getting an appointment set up today with my massage therapist to see if she can't do some pushing and pulling and digging to get things back in shape.
IG, I'll look into that. Every little bit helps.

On a positive note, seems like the left side is getting better already. Now it feels like all of the pain and inflammation is on the right side. Top of my glute into the kidney area. So hopefully within the next few days, I'll be back in action. This lacking gym time is killing me. I am going to go do some light weight on the machines tonight after work. Maybe I'll do the soccer mom circuit at golds. lol
A beast doing a soccer mom circuit. Now that is funny. But make sure to put on your yogi pants and sports bra!!