We're going to play a little game


What would your job be if you couldn't have your current one?
because of water in the atmosphere, i believe...

What's your favorite meal?
Because she's a woman, I guess?

What's the fastest vehicle you've rode in?
cuase she has a vagina

why is this thread more important to you then pming me the info
scorpio said:
Because she's a woman, I guess?

What's the fastest vehicle you've rode in?

a stealth fighter

who wrote the book "the green mile"
no, but got a gift from a flea market before

ever had a threesome?
No....... dammit why wasn't i born smart. pawn shop excellent idea noted for future refference.

Ever wish you could turn back time to the past and change something/things?
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of course I do

what would you change if you could turn back time?
I would take my body now and play middle school football-That would be fun.

Have you ever killed an animal you loved-On purpose
Falling from high above and being a giant splatter.

What would you do if you found out your dying from some long miserable disease?
yes, everytime I give in to my love for greasy food.
ever do something nasty to someone's food when they weren't looking?