Wesley vs. Squat Police

Impressive buddy. I wanna know what got you to ever try squatting with no hands. That scares the shit outta me.
Thank you guys again, much appreciated feedback :)

Metal, your traps look great, from that picture, they look huge!!

Eswol, thanks man!

BS- My diet is actually just ok right now, Im hitting 4-5K calories ED, but its week to week depending on what I have to spend..If money was not an issue I'd be 10lbs of muscle heavier, but can't afford to eat the way I'd need to..Also I am not on AAS..I do have a legal HRT script, but I go on and off that 200mgs per week max...I'm pretty light and skinny now, but I have stayed strong with my routine.

McGaret- I do a few low ones just to warmup and then I might do 10 sets of singles, high box jumps only..I don't really play around with the low stuff, because I force myself to put in effort. Traps I don't do pre-workout, I incorporate them into my routine, sometimes at the end because I train them so light, it doesn't matter if I do them beginning or end. I do 3-5 sets, maybe reps of 20 and that is it..10 minutes is all.

fstr3cobra- Thank you very much! And yes I did mean the 40meter sprint!!

Big- Thank you :) And I started these because years ago I had a really bad snowboarding accident, broke my acronium process in my shoulder, the joint, dislocated, tore my labrum and rotator partially. Had to train legs 3x per week...Have always hated leg press, and holding the bar with one hand threw off my balance, so I said F*** it and I taught myself to do these, didn't take long, but these require much more core then a regular squat!!
Only a bodybuilder or power lifter would think to try no handed squats to work around an injury! I freaking love it! Trying to explain this mentality to those on the outside is impossible.
That's fucking awesome that you figured out how to train around it. I didn't watch it, but some guy at the Arnold did a huge no hand squat supposedly. There's a video somewhere (it was in the Animal Cage), but other than you and this guy I've never heard of anything ever doing this
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you got some serious traps and balls...no handed squats with that weight? I was scared just watching