What a Cry baby drama show Fitnessboard is!!


New member
A 40 somethin year old women member just left because someone hurt her feelings! Now they all started a thread pleading and crying for her to come back. It's nice to have a board without all the drama! Your run a very good board here Press! I think you need to seperate the Steroid discussion with the gerenal discussion. I feel it makes it pretty crowded. jumst my opinion. Other than that this is a great board! :D
If a flame starts here for any reason.. I will squash this thread..

I'm sorry for the happenings at FB, It's a fine board. Everyboard will have it's problems and mishaps... The more mature you conduct yourselves, the better the board will be..

Be nice,
i dont even bother with FB any more--presser's board is great and a lot more mods to regulate shit (my biggest complaint about FB)

keep up the good work here guys--my new home!
I started out a fb, and still have more posts there than here, but the only reason I go there now is to see if anyone has commented on my pics.
Fitnessboard is where I started and learned a lot but quickly outgrew it.. MC is a more mature board with a lot of smart bro's here. And the best thing to happen to MC was fitnessboard getting hacked. It seems a lot of the good serious bro's moved over here.. myself included when that happened.And now this board seems to move a lot faster with more members. Presser and the other mods run a great board and dont let things get out of hand and I like that.. :)
Presser said:
i had the 2 forums seperated for general chat and anabolic chat, but found this to be a better way to run it, with a general chat forum members seem to post shit so far fucked up and stupid, if its over here in the serious forum they tend to hold back the real fucked up shit they would otherwise post in the general forum, plus traffic here doesnt warrent the need for one in my opinion

Well thats why you run the board! Good point.
I too started at FB I learned alot there and got burned too (I learned from that too ) the I found this place and I have not looked back I feel a lil bad but I don't like what has happened to that board but I feel welcome and like I belong here so this is where I will stay thanks Presser
Think there is quite a few of us that started out at FB, but it is a pretty sorry sight some days. What i like about this place is you don't find ppl with 3 post giving advise that they just read 10 mins ago on another post.
FB was a good start, but got I ALSO got burned there.... sometimes I go read post but never login anymore... I will if something needs a comment though. ;)
I started out there and basically just kept going there for the entertainment value. there was and still is a lot of funny threads over there.

It's funny though, the mods not controlling things is the same reason that the place is so entertaining. I mostly like to post smart ass replies to idiots and drop what I know in th training forum whenever i can. Work thinks otherwise now though, Access denied.

Oh yeah, I like p0rn too, iguess I'm adictted or something.