What a story to encourage you


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I had been talking to a girl online and she was drop dead gorgeous. We are friends and she works out like an animal. Tonight we talked on the phone and she was wanting some tips at breaking through a weight plateau as far as dropping 15 more pounds. I then found out she was 300 pounds six years ago. I am going to ask her if it is okay if I post her pic. It blew my mind. She was talking about how much she loved deadlifts and heavy squats. I was impressed at her nutrition knowledge and dedication. Not to mention she was amazingly hot. LOL
I asked her to post it and she okayed it. Here it is. I will not tell name, location or give her number. Sorry. LOL
I call her my sugarmoma. LOL. She owns several franchised restaurants. No more info. LOL
She is sweet and her story was incredible. I was totally driven after talking to her.
Cute girl! Congrats to her... I LOVE hearing stories like that. For everyone I know who's overweight and claims they can't lose it "no matter what" they do, I think of a person like this and then remember... "umm, YES YOU CAN!" So good for her - that's truly awesome!
Yea, cool story bro.

Next time I want a more revealing after pic though. For educational purposes, I'd like to know what a Labia looks like after it's gone through such drastic weight reduction.

Consider asking her?
Nair you are so deep. Do you have a doctorate in philosphy? 6 years steph. Sweetest girl and freaking loaded as well. LOL
Steph I told her what you said and she said you made her day. She is an amazing woman. Im proud to know her. Ive been in a slump and her energy has put a smile on my face. School is killing this 36 year old. LOL
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Good story, but I got one question, not to be an ass, just curious. If you had met her when she was 300#, would you think she was as hot as you do now? I only ask because this similar thing came up a couple weeks back with a few of my buddies about a girl we went to HS with. She was heavy then, but lost a lot of weight and now looks incredible and they said they could never get the imagine of her from HS out of their minds...I know I could get it out based on the way she looks now, just thought I'd ask.
Steph I told her what you said and she said you made her day. She is an amazing woman. Im proud to know her. Ive been in a slump and her energy has put a smile on my face. School is killing this 36 year old. LOL

Aww, smiles go a long way so I'm happy I could do that for her. I'm serious though... I have a few very overweight good friends and they try to diet (though they do fall off) but more importantly, they don't want to workout. I watch these shows like "I used to be fat" on MTV and give those kids alot of credit. They bust their asses and re-learn how to eat over the course of a summer... which is pretty extreme. It's not overnight, but considering how much they are changing their lifestyle, it pretty much is. And they bust their asses in the gym for hours a day...

Anyone who can undergo a change like that and remains committed and keeps pushing is admirable. It takes alot of strength and will and determination to keep it going to maintain a new, lean physique... you have to want to want it day in and day out to keep it going.

And good for you dude... when are you meeting her? She sounds awesome. Steph approved! :p

Good story, but I got one question, not to be an ass, just curious. If you had met her when she was 300#, would you think she was as hot as you do now? I only ask because this similar thing came up a couple weeks back with a few of my buddies about a girl we went to HS with. She was heavy then, but lost a lot of weight and now looks incredible and they said they could never get the imagine of her from HS out of their minds...I know I could get it out based on the way she looks now, just thought I'd ask.

I'm not in this situation but one could argue that someone who's overweight and unhealthy wouldn't have been an ideal date, not because of their size and appearance, but because of the lack of common ground as it relates to diet and training. Yes, she is slimmer now, but not only that - she is mentally different... committed to living the lifestyle and has a relationship with the gym. Those are attractive qualities in a potential partner that add to her increased overall attractiveness that she didn't have before.
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I'm not in this situation but one could argue that someone who's overweight and unhealthy wouldn't have been an ideal date, not only because of their size and appearance, but because of the lack of common ground as it relates to diet and training. Yes, she is slimmer now, but not only that - she is mentally different... committed to living the lifestyle and has a relationship with the gym. Those are attractive qualities in a potential partner that add to her increased overall attractiveness that she didn't have before.

I totally agree, I don't care about someone's past or what they used to be like. She seems like a completely different person with a whole new outlook and mentality. They may not have had much in common at one point, but then again, not all of us were gym rats at one point. I know I'm completely different from high school, scrawny and ignorant as far as training and diet went, but now it's totally a different story. I think as long as you have that equal bond now, that's all that matters.
Update. LOL. We talked last night for 2 hours about nutrition. It was incredible. LOL. She is a freaking beast in the gym guys. I will answer bign's question too. I probably wouldn't have dated her and she wouldn't have dated me if she had seen me before I got bent on working out either. She told me she knew that despite her personality her health issues were controlling her life. She said she wouldn't have dated her. She has been a big encouragement to me too.
She thought the sugarmoma tag on the pic was hilarious too. I do motivational speaking and trust me she's going in one session.
Update. LOL. We talked last night for 2 hours about nutrition. It was incredible. LOL. She is a freaking beast in the gym guys. I will answer bign's question too. I probably wouldn't have dated her and she wouldn't have dated me if she had seen me before I got bent on working out either. She told me she knew that despite her personality her health issues were controlling her life. She said she wouldn't have dated her. She has been a big encouragement to me too.

That's good man, I wasn't trying to be a dick, just curious because I felt like my friends were too shallow or I was just too nice a person. I know getting in shape and just feeling good and like you've truly accomplished something changes your whole outlook on life and relationships and all aspects of life. Good to see you found someone that knows how important a healthy lifestyle is. It's great to have that bond rather than be nagged all the time for being "obsessed"
I knew you weren't bro. I have thought about that all the time myself. Its really a good question. I just got off the phone with her and she is truly one of the most amazing people Ive ever talked to. Her dad was a great guy and you can tell he really had her grounded. She told me tonight I knew there was value to me when I was large but I know that the world looked at me and thought I didn't value myself. I just cant get enough of her story.