What are you most interested in trying?

I haven't touched any gear yet......look forward to the time i'm ready to do first cycle. I still have some more natural growing to do though since i've only been lifting for 10 months now, and alot of research to do as well. Alot of peeps seem to recommend doing a test only cycle for first timer. Thats at the top of my want to try list....
I want to try the IGF with SLIN. I did 2 months of the MGF, not sure if that was a long enough cycle. I will save up for a 6 month SLIN/IGF cycle, should I mix in some test also?
novice said:
I want to try the IGF with SLIN. I did 2 months of the MGF, not sure if that was a long enough cycle. I will save up for a 6 month SLIN/IGF cycle, should I mix in some test also?

No sense in running IGF more than 6wks, your body downregulates after about 4 wks or so then your gains will stop. What dose did you run?
irishpride said:
halo,tren,scotch a loaded firearm and a sporting event...

Thats a riot waiting to happen!!

For me it'd be Anadrol, haven't tried it yet and was afraid to because of negative sides. I think I'll be subbing it where dbol usually goes in my next bulker, next year.
I would have to say slin. That is about the only one i am reluctant to use but I'll prob run it some time next year.
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BiggerStronger said:
I dunno...a red head would be fun. I don't think I've ever been with one...lol

I want to try some GH, IGF, Tren Enanthate...

ok i had a red head and WOW! i want another!!!
it was very fun biggerstronger!!!:D
I wanna try IGF-1, GH, SLIN, HALO, D-BOL you name it...one day :D But first, a cycle of Test Enthanate and Equipoise would be nice :)
At this point I've pretty much tried it all! I now want to try larger doses of test, tren, igf, hgh, slin, and a partiridge in a pear tree! LOL

In other words, I've not met a needle I did not like...I'm a junkie!
EatingMachine said:
At this point I've pretty much tried it all! I now want to try larger doses of test, tren, igf, hgh, slin, and a partiridge in a pear tree! LOL

In other words, I've not met a needle I did not like...I'm a junkie!

Amen to that!!!
I wanna try: anadrol, halo, cheq drops, methyl-test, Tren, Test suspension, R3 Igf-1, Slin, GH, DNP, all the potent shit, lol.
theres a big difference in hgh and igf....hgh is the father of IGF so to say....but there is definately a big difference in the two of them...DEFINATELY!
Care to elaborate, I can't remember off the top of my head the differences between the two. What differences have you noticed?
I'd like to try HGH as well along with eq, winny, and test ethanate. I've never used them before--would like to see what results I could get. I'd also like to try a little bit of slin.