What are your comebacks for AAS?

i just say, that the lifestyle that bodybuilders choose is alot healther regardless of what they are using than 'most of us' ... that always works well...
I have to tell them my penis is so small that I need something to shrink my nuts down so that they won't look so out of proportion......but seriously it depends on the person asking. If it's some little prick at the gym that wants an excuse as to why he's not as big as me I usually am not very nice and I don't care if he takes that as raging out on him or not, I think it's ridiculous for someone that won't put the time in at the gym to think that because someone else does they must be on. However, if it's a friend I will talk to them about steroids compared to smoking and alcohol...I don't even go into the "real" drugs like cocaine and heroin b/c they already know those are aweful. But if I can get them to see steroids against the light of cigarettes and beer they usually look at them differently...If they continue to say things then I punch them in the crotch and we're no longer friends!!! :D
I say fuck it! If your gonna do drugs, they mine as well bennefit you in a positive way, as long as you control them, and they dont control you!