What are your favorite Lat exercises?

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What are your favorite Lat exercises? I have a favorite and one that I hate doing. My favorite is a close-grip lat pulldown, and the one I really hate is rowing (on a machine) because they make me really sore all over.
Love T bar rows, seated rows, heavy bent rows and especially the Hammer Strength Seated Rows . I HATE D.B. one arm rows for some reason.. Just it taxes me big time for its a set per each lat... But, overall training back/lats is a body part I really love...
DB pullovers for sure are my fav... Don't do them much now due to tendonitis, but love the deep stretch
I love close grip lat pulldowns with a reverse grip.At the top with the a deep stretch I really feel in places at the top of my lats that nothing else seems to hit good.At the bottom I hold for a couple seconds and really feel them in my lower lats.
For mass I like heavy rows on old school machines.I like Deadlifts to but more for overall back development.
Just regular ass Lat Pull Downs for me. A nice medium-wide grip, heavy as fuck, and a good stretch. Can't beat it IMO.
i think for over all form for the back, id say lat pushdowns, and close rope push downs like arnold used to do on his knees are my fav. in pumpin iron he was wearing the yellow tanktop while doing them, kinda looks like a weighted crunch but is really a pull/push down
I'm a huge fan of doing pull-ups as wide as I possibly can with a weight belt on. Other than that I like the hammer-strength lat pull down with independent sides.
Do you all find that these exercises really pack on the width/mass on your lats or are there other exercises that do that for you and you only like these the best?
i like heavy ass pulldowns widegrip paired with single arm dumbell rows as heavy as possible. Then finish it of with straight arm pulldowns kinda like described earlier you can really concentrate on makeing your lats do all the work. Makes my back die the next day lol.
rack chins are my new favorite width exercise and i love alll thickness stuff, i.e bent over rows, t bars, rack deads, floor deads...
missionary position realy hits my lats good, other then that i like straight arm pushdowns, lat pulldowns, and rows ofcourse