What do you all shave?

Face (lately), chest and stomach. In the summer, I shave legs and arms too. I've never shaved my underarms or package, but I guess I will be for my contest!
At this point, I'm planning on shaving my head a couple weeks before the contest! So I'll go from long to no hair :D
You cant shave it all, look how long it took to grow. But if you do cut it give it to the cancer kids. They will make a wig out of it.
footballcat said:
You cant shave it all, look how long it took to grow. But if you do cut it give it to the cancer kids. They will make a wig out of it.

Great idea FBC.
I shave my ass, does anyone else?

Nope and here are 16 reasons why :):

16. "You discover that it's your better looking half." (rejun139)

15. "Because Jeff doesnt and look how cute his ass is resting atop his shoulders!!" (AndoCommando)

14. "Ingrown Hairs that develop into the size of baseballs, makes for bad times when you go to sit down, and one of the lil bastards pops, 4 feet in hair comes out with 2 gallons of puss!" (RuSSiaN WiLL)

13. "Protection against splash-backs at public washrooms." (the punch)

12. "So you can use your hairy ass like a brillo pad to scrape the soap scumb off the tub after you shower." (Badassgirl)

11. "If you are a guy and cut yourself with the razor, it will bleed, and it will look like you are having a period." (snakeblood)

10. "They don't make razors tough enough and chain saws chafe!" (bagger)

9. "You wont need to buy wooley underwear for the winter." (ladyzen)

8. "Hides the bruises from your dominatrix wife." (Wally)

7. "It might be mistaken for Jeff's head." (Jack Squat)

6. "It's pure hell when you nick a 'roid!" (graugorama)

5. "so you can go as Chubakah for Halloween." (cheer_star)

4. "Your ass won't match your hairy taint." (mjc)

3. "Priests may think you're a young boy." (NJResQ)

2. "So when some ballbusting, wine-drinking bitch complains at your party and you tell her to kiss your ass, she'll get stuck like velcro!" (bagger)

. . . and the Number One Reason NOT To Shave Your Ass. . .

1. "It gives her somewhere to put her gum while she's giving you head." (omahamoses)
footballcat said:
You cant shave it all, look how long it took to grow. But if you do cut it give it to the cancer kids. They will make a wig out of it.

That's the plan! My wife did that when she cut her hair. I think "Lock's of Love" is the charity.
Last spring or summer... #2 trimmers on the side and back, and fairly short on top. My hair grows pretty fast....
footballcat said:
I shave face, chest, down to my knee caps, and my arm pits. I dont think i can shave my legs, too many people will make fun of me, i also dont shave my forarms
Face.. that's it...I don't compete, so I don't feel the need to shave anything else.. Plus I'm almost a bare chest anyways