What do you consider BIG ?


What the hell, muscles, tatoos, body piercings,clothes, fast cars, low cars,music, what ever makes you happy. I like thick muscle, a nice house, and a hot piece of ass! Say what you want, but our subculture has some of the HOTTEST chics of any subculture!
sweatmachine said:

What the hell, muscles, tatoos, body piercings,clothes, fast cars, low cars,music, what ever makes you happy. I like thick muscle, a nice house, and a hot piece of ass! Say what you want, but our subculture has some of the HOTTEST chics of any subculture!

It truly is "the life!"
Don't want to be a prick here but I am seeing it misspelt repeatedly: it's muscle dYsmorphia not dismorphia. Hehe, sorry, I have a thing for bad English. :D

Now, with reference to this thread, BIG is what we always aim for as bodybuilders. BIG is what keeps us going, keeps us hitting the iron, keeps us hungry. Once we attain BIG, all is lost. Thus, BIG is what makes me a bodybuilder; it is my goal in life, it is the projection of all my dreams. BIG is the Promised Land, the reason for all my struggles, the answer to all my sufferings. Keep walking till you get there guys. And if you never get there, don't worry, being another iron pilgrim is what makes us what we are in the first place.

God Bless!
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KidRok said:
I believe bodybuilders have a type of "reverse anorexia" where we see ourselves as smaller than we really are.

yes.. In Swedish it's called Megarexi.. don't know what it's in English
I think it can be said that " BIG IS A JOURNEY NOT A DESTINATION"

Damn ,I wrote that myself. I kinda like that. Im going to put it on my signature!
Hmmm, I hadnt seen this thread till now. And I really do agree with the seeming fact that a lot of bb may have a type of "reverse anorexia" where they never see themselves as "big enough" (as opposed to "thin enough"). Even the way that bb lifestyles are can add to that: the way you have to concentrate a lot about food and body image, it's no wonder you can have a distorted view of yourself!

That's why I think it's really important (as an outsider looking in here since I dont have experience with AAS) that bb be really careful about using AAS. Because like diet pills to an anorexic, I'm sure it can get dangerously addictive (mentally more than anything). I mean, you can start justifying things in your mind that may not be safe and that is when it borders on the "obsessive" side. And that can be downright dangerous! Sometimes it's hard to think "rationally" when your sights are so hard-set on the goal (attaining size) that I can see how it would be very easy to make bad decisions.
T82 said:
Hmmm, I hadnt seen this thread till now. And I really do agree with the seeming fact that a lot of bb may have a type of "reverse anorexia" where they never see themselves as "big enough" (as opposed to "thin enough"). Even the way that bb lifestyles are can add to that: the way you have to concentrate a lot about food and body image, it's no wonder you can have a distorted view of yourself!

That's why I think it's really important (as an outsider looking in here since I dont have experience with AAS) that bb be really careful about using AAS. Because like diet pills to an anorexic, I'm sure it can get dangerously addictive (mentally more than anything). I mean, you can start justifying things in your mind that may not be safe and that is when it borders on the "obsessive" side. And that can be downright dangerous! Sometimes it's hard to think "rationally" when your sights are so hard-set on the goal (attaining size) that I can see how it would be very easy to make bad decisions.

Nice post T!!

And I think everything you said is absolutely true!