what do you do for a living?

LA said:
I'm Pinky to his Brain!

Gee Brain what do you want to do tonight?

The same thing we do every night, Try to take over the world!
Network Admin...

Um also male "escort"...and contract killer. I also SAY that I'm a bodybuilder...no one believes me though. :( lol. j/k :P
comment away hun... I have nothing to hide :D I love my JOB :D

She is helping me with my addiction to beautiful women, its tough love . Im gonna need alot more therapy :D:D:D
you do have it pretty bad.... Pudgy... we need lots and lots of sessions sweetie..... break open the piggy bank... ;) cause I am pretty expensive.... :D :D
:D... you said it not me... now they all now you need help! :D

Love the avatar...strider....

Ok I confess I am addicted to sex. I need a sex addicts anonymous class or something. ADS..LMAO.. thanks just came across it online and I stole it, thought it fit perfectly with most of the people I meet.

Ok what I do for a living hmmm no personal stuff though. I used to be an explosive ordinance disposal technician all in all I used to blow shit up!
you do have it pretty bad.... Pudgy... we need lots and lots of sessions sweetie..... break open the piggy bank... ;) cause I am pretty expensive.... :D :D

I dont leave home without it good looking, i mean doc. (we need an angel smiley)
I am a porno Star!!!! Now I know you have all seen me! I am the BIGGGGGG GUY:pleased: Notice I said BIGGGGGGG ! Like The Mr. Holmes BIGGGGGG!!!;)
I'm an Ironworker. I build stuff and move heavey machinery.


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