What do you see when you look in the mirror?


MuscleChemistry member
This should be good. lol Are you happy with the way look or do you see an out of shape wanna be? haha

If I look to long in the mirror I start to pick myself apart and point out all of my weak points. Sometimes think I look like a dork just being a wanna be. lol!!! But then at times I look and cant beleive how mush size I have put on since high school and thought there was no way in hell i would ever be this big.
I still see a fat kid- I have transformed my body over the 25+ years of training and no matter how much muscle I have gained or how much bodyfat I lose to do a show, I always see the fat kid.
Don't get me wrong- its nice when people tell you are you are big- but since we are our own worst critics, its still hard to swallow.
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Totally agree with both of you 100%. I get complimented all day, but can't help but see every little flaw I have. I do have in mind what I would like my body to look like EXACTLY at some point in time; not sure if that is weird or not?
I never ever see the body everyone else see's, i agree totally with all the posts so far.

Currently im on a bulk straight after a competition and im so watery and bloated at the moment due to the AAS that im hating myself right now. Even embarrassed to post pictures to the board as everyone here is SOOOOO much more ripped up all the time.

Definately doing something wrong!
I never ever see the body everyone else see's, i agree totally with all the posts so far.

Currently im on a bulk straight after a competition and im so watery and bloated at the moment due to the AAS that im hating myself right now. Even embarrassed to post pictures to the board as everyone here is SOOOOO much more ripped up all the time.

Definately doing something wrong!

Have you seen my pics bro? lol.. Post away, I cant even see 1 vein yet haha

Depends on the mirror for me. The gym mirror I look awesome. My bathroom mirror I look good. My full length mirror in my bedroom I look horrible. I get so frustrated when i just get off this board or just get done flipping through a magazine or watching a bb youtube video, then walk past a mirror, i think to myself "10 years of training and THIS is what I got?"
I still think I look small. I think my view is tainted from being on forums like this one all the time though. My family and friends think I look big, but I just don't see it. I try to remind myself of that so I don't get so discouraged. I think the curse of any bodybuilder is that they will never be satisfied with the way the look. There is always something to improve on.
Most of the time I like what I see in the mirror, but it all depends on the lighting and the mirror. At the gym I look at my self and I'm like HOLLY fck I've gotten big. Then at home I'm like what the fck do I even do this for. You are your own worst critic....
Around my friends And family I'm " the big guy" but then when I get to the gym I am dwafed by some of the guys...

When trying on clothes in a store change room, the mirrors seem to work wonders though. Must be the lighting
I always feel really small. I weigh between 210-215 now and still "FEEL" puny. When I graduated highschool I just did weigh 130 and thought if I could weigh 150 that would be normal but when i got to that weight I wanted 160 and then 180, 200, 225, and now I think wieghing in at about 250 would be a decent range for me. But I know if I got out of bed this morning at 250 I would want 300. Just never satisfied. People are always telling me how big I am and how I have a huge physique, but I just don't see it. When I look in the mirror I just look at what needs more work. Damn, I wish I could be a fat lazy piece of shit, life would be so much easier....
I'm very unhappy with my chest development. That tops the list. The other times it depends on where I am. In the gym I feel pretty good about how I look and I can see progress pretty consistantly. When I'm out I like how I look and feel, but not in the mirror. I see a fat block face and a blocky head and I look like a freak among all the Abercrombie toolbags that mutter shit under their breath. I'm not happy in general with my development considering my weight.
I'm not happy. I see the scrawny fat guy that I became when I left the gym back in 03 for a couple of years. Everyone says I'm not, and even when going on a job interview yesterday, the manager said that I'm very intimidating with my size. I just don't see it. My wife always tells me that I'm a big guy, and when I'm trying on clothes I get all sorts of looks from the women in the store. I really don't see it, though.
Around my friends And family I'm " the big guy" but then when I get to the gym I am dwafed by some of the guys...

When trying on clothes in a store change room, the mirrors seem to work wonders though. Must be the lighting

Im the same exact way.. Im the biggest (muscle wise) out of my crew and family so im big man or muscles.. Im just average at one of my gyms and one of the bigger at another.

I love going into those changing rooms in the mall. I especially love the alterations step with all 4 mirrors around you. You can see EVERYTHING!
I don't like what I see in the mirror unless my girl is behind me naked lol....No really, until I'm getting ready for a show, I don't really like what I see. But if I have a tight shirt on or something it makes me look twice and think that I look good, but without a shirt, I'm not happy until contest prep
Have you seen my pics bro? lol.. Post away, I cant even see 1 vein yet haha

Depends on the mirror for me. The gym mirror I look awesome. My bathroom mirror I look good. My full length mirror in my bedroom I look horrible. I get so frustrated when i just get off this board or just get done flipping through a magazine or watching a bb youtube video, then walk past a mirror, i think to myself "10 years of training and THIS is what I got?"

i think the exact same. some mirrors at the gym and home look great some not so great. There is a dressing room here in town thats REAL good and when i feel flat i go there and try on shhmediums and i feel much better
no matter where i go i get stared at, im told how big i am... i get the comments, the occasional smart remark

but yes i still am NEVER happy. i know ive come a long way (315lb fat teen) but still till this day in the mirrior i too still see the "fat kid"
is this a problem, YES, does it drive me to continue on my quest towareds greatness, YES... theres always room for improvment
you bunch of depressed fucks!! just kidding. Glad to see Im not the only one. Everybody keep at it and set realistic goals. Its never to late. Just look how many guys competed in this years MR. O at the age of 40+ years old.
you bunch of depressed fucks!! just kidding. Glad to see Im not the only one. Everybody keep at it and set realistic goals. Its never to late. Just look how many guys competed in this years MR. O at the age of 40+ years old.

Easy to be positive when you're growing like a wild weed
I look at myself in the moring and I think that I don't look to bad... But when I get to the gym and see some "BIG FUCKERS" like Chris250 and Zeus I think I look like shit... assholes !!! lol
I look at myself in the moring and I think that I don't look to bad... But when I get to the gym and see some "BIG FUCKERS" like Chris250 and Zeus I think I look like shit... assholes !!! lol

Damn bro, you have grown a ton in the last 6 months or so...just keep hitting those legs hard, and you will be ALOT bigger than me or Zeus...:bber:

As for me, I see the same kid I saw when I started training 20 years ago..My goal has been always to look good at every pose there is...Well I think my side chest is decent, and my front bi shot...but my front lat spread sucks, and my ab shots suck big time....My rear bi shot is ok, with my rear lat spread...my most muscular is kinda ok shot..but still needs more thickness in my traps, ect...I dont know, I guess I suck at bodybuilding...LOL !!! :satan: