What do you women like???

I like a guy with muscle. He can either be the model type or big guy. Doesn't really matter. I don't like skinny guys though. Very unattractive. I do like muscles!!! But, the most important quality for me in a man is his inner self. He can have the body, the looks but, if he doesn't have the inner beauty, then he doesnn't mean jack shit to me!! ;)
hmmm... I like a guy with a great body- hell who doesnt? ;) He does not have to be huge...... my fav stats are 6'2 225 :D which is big but he does not have to be that ( I better be bigger than him-like to feel tiny next to him) hehehe :D .... those are just my fav.. long as he is in shape .....he does have to be huge...must have other qualites but that is not what was asked... hehehe
My biggest thing is the guy has to be as tall as me or taller. As for muscles...I love muscles to a point, but for me there is such a thing as to big. :)
well i have been told i was too big this summer (205 8% 5"11)and the same girl thinks that now is just right (185 13% 5"11)
Needless to say she is GONE!lol
until shiko, i preferred tall and lanky with abs and a tan.
course i dated ravers who tend to be skinny from the drugs and such
but yeah, i prefer a big guy, need a big ol' bicep to hang onto. plus skinny guys can't catch you and make you look gracefull if you start to fall on the dance floor
love you shiko;)
I don't like a guy who's too big, but I do like muscular physiques. I love hard arms. But I don't like the bulking stage.
I have a size 14 ring finger (thats the size of a quarter) as well as being 5'8' 280lbs.........does that mean anything to anybody?
sweatmachine said:
I have a size 14 ring finger (thats the size of a quarter) as well as being 5'8' 280lbs.........does that mean anything to anybody?

Yeah, you're too big for me!
Ironically physical size or condition level in a partner has never meant much to me (except for the fact that it can tell you much about a person and how much self-discipline they have). I DO like a captivating smile, and a personality that includes some playful naughtiness. And a man that is taller than me is a bonus, though not a prerequisite...

Gear101* said:
so i guess 6'6" 275 and 8% is out... when i first meet my now wife's grnadmother.. she asked her if we were serous.. my wife said yes and grnadmother told her straight out.. well you know there's no way you can carry his chlid... i'm like what the fuck grandma.. lol

LOL. Not to get off the fun topic, but that's not true. Biology is smarter than that. (Just take a look at some of the dog breeds that mix just fine.) I've got as buddy who is a former all american football lineman. Married a 5'4" 110lb wonderful woman. Their baby was just over 7lb. Less than a year later, he's back on track - in the 99th percentile of the height / weight charts.
