What does everyone do with there time??

I am a commodities manager by day.
I have three clients I am working with on diet plans and meet with them three times a week.
I leave work in the evenings and train 6-7 days a week right now at night, barely have enough time to get home, feed my dogs, make food for that day and for tomorrow and get to bed late. Oh yeah and I do three shows a year which means I have to wife(she hated my competing) and the chicks here hate big guys because they think they are icky.. I am so not the A&F type they like here.
dorian123 said:
what kind of music do you play vr

Some Hardcore, some metal, some light acoustic.

In bands most heavy stuff and when I play by myself I play light acoustic on my guitar:) You play anything dorian?
vertigorocks said:
Some Hardcore, some metal, some light acoustic.

In bands most heavy stuff and when I play by myself I play light acoustic on my guitar:) You play anything dorian?

You guys write your own stuff or stick to cover songs?
PJT said:
You guys write your own stuff or stick to cover songs?

Mainly write our ownstuff, the band I'm in right now sounds like older Metallica /V\. We do have a few covers we throw in the mix, but for the most part its only "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and "Creeping Death"!!
vertigorocks said:
Mainly write our ownstuff, the band I'm in right now sounds like older Metallica /V\. We do have a few covers we throw in the mix, but for the most part its only "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and "Creeping Death"!!

Good stuff! Nothing beats old Metallica...
yeah main instrument is the guitar (I was schooled in classical)
learned the A minor scale and took to heavy metal well, especially Metallica, Slayer, and pretty much anything heavy-my favorite was Randy Rhodes

then I learned the keyboard and bass and started doing programming with drum machines and processors-kicked out a couple of industrial albums real on the edge shit, like NIN meets Slayer
Full time firefighter, work anywhere from 24-72 hour shifts
about to get married
no kids yet, but its not for lack of trying =). or none that i know of at least.
train 4-5 times a week, or at least when i can.