What does your caloric consumption look like?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Some of you will think Im lying but Ive been on synthroid for about 8 years now and if I go above 3000 calories a day I gain fat quite quickly.
I would run about 4500 bulking but I would put some serious thickness on my waist. I am curious to see what a normal person does. I weigh 230 right now at 6'1. Ive lost a few pounds this week doing cardio.
4450Kcals in my next Bulking phase.. that's 750 extra cals above Maintenance .. I'll incorporate mild cardio to keep from gaining Fat..

right now im taking in about 2300 cals a day. 30/50/20 is the breakdown. I've been dieting for about 5 months, hopefully only another 3 to go.
my diet is about 5400cal a day. but for the last month, its hard to get all my meals in. i just dont have the.appetite, so i just listen to my body. i dont try to force down food if im not hungry.
Appetite is not a problem for me after say 1 in the afternoon anyway. I always have to make myself eat in the morning.
im the opposite...starts off strong and wanes thru the evening. but get 5k+ cal in four meals aint easy when i should do it in six or seven.
bout 2500 right now currently cutting 280 or so protein 100 or so carbs and 80 or so fats cant remember exactly could be off on those macros.
typically 3000. But some days a little less. I have a hard time keeping the carbs low and cals high.