what exactly is supersetting and benefits?


New member
Been reading some logs on some forums and noticing more and more people doing super sets
I was always under the impression that super setting wasn’t a smart idea because you can risk overtraining and risk having issues with joint problems by doing them.
Do you see any benefits to doing super sets or should I not worried about using them and how many of you on here actually do them?
Been reading some logs on some forums and noticing more and more people doing super sets
I was always under the impression that super setting wasn’t a smart idea because you can risk overtraining and risk having issues with joint problems by doing them.
Do you see any benefits to doing super sets or should I not worried about using them and how many of you on here actually do them?
if you super set you'll get more gains
i would superset if you have no shoulder issues imo
Been reading some logs on some forums and noticing more and more people doing super sets
I was always under the impression that super setting wasn’t a smart idea because you can risk overtraining and risk having issues with joint problems by doing them.
Do you see any benefits to doing super sets or should I not worried about using them and how many of you on here actually do them?
The advantage is you work the muscle with a much higher intensity than you do with regular sets. Meaning further breaking/tearing down, and exhausting the muscle fibers initiating more growth.

As for high risk of injury, that's not so in regards to any types of sets and training. You never want to attempt to lift more than you should, always use proper form and control the lift, I e., don't slam the weights down or extend too hard on lockouts, etc.

I use super sets Regularly and have no issues other than awesome gains and I'm 57yrs young. I personally never go max weights anymore. I prefer moderate to heavy weight but with much higher reps and sets and faster pace. This allows me to lower the chances of injury at my age and also gets my heart pumping giving me a cardio type workout at the same time