What form of cardio?

Outside in the elements is the real deal. Esp as cold as it is here. Your body burns twice as many cals when outside in 20 degree weather than it ever will doing boring ass cardio in doors. But I like doing things like this. I used to box and do mma when I was way younger and doing your cardio outside is part of your training. If the mind is strong, the body is strong......
I just walk man. Cardio on the treadmill in the guest bedroom in the mornings when I can't walk with Silk, otherwise its a 1 hour walk around the neighborhood at night... with a pack full of guns and ammunition
I just walk man. Cardio on the treadmill in the guest bedroom in the mornings when I can't walk with Silk, otherwise its a 1 hour walk around the neighborhood at night... with a pack full of guns and ammunition

I've been thinking about loading up a pack myself and walk a long canal that is popular and well lite. I see Cedric make a sled that he drags around for cardio, looks funny, like a horse pulling a plow.
When I do cardio its on a treadmill at the highest incline and walk at a fast pace. I love to ride a bike in the summer.