What got you to start training?

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
For me it was sports at an early age. I wrestled, play soccer, baseball pretty much my whole life and wrestling was my first passion. I initially starting lifting for wrestling then started focusing on leg development for soccer and then it became a passion for the sake of lifting and I started reading magazines, online, anything I could read. I started lifting everyday after school and multiple times a day if I was able to, then after sports it became my life, gave me a way to release stress and feel good about myself
Well for me it was because I was a runt lol litteraly from there it turned into part of my life, the never ending road lol, I love it.
It may sound stupid, but as soon as I hit puberty I developed freaky arms and forearms. Everyone in school would always want to see me flex. Then people started asking how much I could bench, so I started working out to find out!
i was a runt.....people in general don't respect short people or little people......i get respect now
At age 18 I weighed 135 lbs at 5'10.5....not good....a lot of Chics over 5'6 easily outweighed me
For me it's a natural high and I feel so good after working out I'm a lifer. Plus I have pretty good genetics. Not a mesomorph fully, but surely not tall and lanky. I now have some time off to hit the gym , tan, and study for my personal trainer certification so I am very stoked at the moment.

I can now eat every 2 hours or so so I plan on gaining some weight in the next two months. Think I'm going to try the three day protocol with hgh as well cause I have enough for like 10 weeks doing 30ius a week. Plus test, igf 1, eq or deca if i wanted to add it, var to cruise and take a break if I want after this bulking cycle. I just need to get the calories up and I know it.
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Arnies arms in the opening scenes on Commando, as he carried a huge log and chainsaw his arms were amazing to me.. me being only bout 5-6yrs old i ended up growing into a real tall and lanky young teen and thought hey! i want my arms like arnies, how do i do that?
so then my voyage began
ps.. my arms are nowhere near arnies size ... yet
I had a passing interest in lifting sparked by sports and comics, but got hooked after seeing a pic in an old Musclemag issue of some random amateur german dude with like 25 in arms, but not the obvious synthol look. I wanted to be ugly big like that.