What gym are you training in...

Nitrous Oxide

New member
Just wondering..where do you train..?? your home, or at the gym..what's the name of the gym..? I used to go to Gold's Gym but my contract expired and I foudn better deal with Mike's Gym !
I train at my university. sometimes its full of dumbasses that dont have a clue what theyre doing, but the price is right ("free"). you should see some of the ppl in here.. you get these guys that load up the bar, and than they try to do something that resembles a squat I guess, but they go down 1". Its always the same scenario... a group of "tuffguys" comes in, they try to lift all these retarded weights, and they can barely move them even with their spotter. buy after a week, when they see that they didn't gain 20 lbs of muscle in a few days, they quit. GO TO HELL YOU TURDS!!!!!! NO, YOU DON'T LOOK REMOTELY GOOD WITH YOUR TSHIRT ROLLED UP! AND DON'T WEAR A TANKTOP IF YOU LOOK LIKE A PREPUBESCENT GIRL!
I had to vent that off... ohh that feels good. ok, time to go to the gym now hehe
I work out at home, just got a new olympic sized bench.
at a gym...the music is lowsy and so are the women and most other people that go there but it is pretty nice and dirt cheap
Its really hard to find out the good small gym..where you have your own space..without seeing dumb people..Power-House is a pretty good gym but not avaliable everywhere..Golds,Worlds etc..are 99% full of people who don't know what the fuck is going on around...This gym Mike's Gym seems pretty good tho..it has solarium..nice swimming pool..jacuzzi..and all new equipment..and you get 1 free protein shake & bar every time you come...all for $50 monthly..
Gold's gym....it's a nice gym if you can deal with Huey Lewis and the News and Lionel Ritchie in the mornings:(
US1 Fitness it is a small local gym but no one bothers you and the equiptment is nice. A little small but I have worked out at much worse places.
Powerhouse outside Philly, I train in the early a.m. If a girl walked thru the door that early there would most likely be some sort of horrible training accident.
I go to a local chain gym, that's mostly geared towards older people and cardio. They have lots of universal type machines, and the free weights (with the exception of the dumbbells, only up to 100 lbs) are sufficient. There are a few serious bros in there. They do have a great selection of hammer strength equipment.
Local gym .......pretty good gym for the size of town I live in, they have alot of equipment. No women though. I swear to god they all flock to the YMCA's. Them places are ooozing with hot women!
Local gym, older people, worst music I've ever heard. Played "I just called to say I love you" by Stevie Wonder, and that old song "Kig of the road," and they keep playing that goddamn Kelly Clarkson song, makes me want to throw up.