What Happens When You Have Shitty Form


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
What Happens When You Have Shitty Form


<figure class="entry-image" style="margin: 2.625px 0px 15.8125px; padding: 0px; line-height: 0; color: rgb(115, 115, 115); font-family: Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">
</figure>So here is what happens to guys and girls that skip the process of learning correct lifting form.
1. They get injured.
2. They find themselves hitting a very early plateau.
3. Their strength regresses AFTER hitting a plateau (this one is not frustrating at all…just kidding, this one is very frustrating).
Learning about form is probably the most boring part of this whole thing. We all want to stack on more weight after each session and feel ‘badass’.

But here is the thing, you will HAVE to learn the right form sooner or later.If you don’t get it in the beginning, you will have to learn about it later when you hit an early plateau…and you will kick yourself for it.

Whether you got injured or you hit a plateau and have to lower the weights in order to learn the right lifting form. You will then realize on how much growth you have missed out on.
Learn the right form in the beginning.
if anyone ever sees anyone on the bench like in that photo all you do is walk up to them and politely encourage them to stop training lol
I find it very hard to believe that no one has mentioned something to him, not to mention his spotter doesnt even look close enough to do anything if the shit went down and it will lolol
I find it very hard to believe that no one has mentioned something to him, not to mention his spotter doesnt even look close enough to do anything if the shit went down and it will lolol

GOOD, Thats one less duesch bag taking up air and space at the gym
I don't what these people are thinking when they get this drastic unorthodox form?! Do you see anyone else doing it like that? K. Maybe not a good idea for you to re-invent the wheel special fellow.
I hate to point out the obvious to you guys, but that is what you do when you dont have a decline
bench (I think??) If my back bent like that I might try it. lolol
I hate to point out the obvious to you guys, but that is what you do when you dont have a decline
bench (I think??) If my back bent like that I might try it. lolol

yes cause thats much easier then doing some fucking dips somewhere lol