What I have done in 3 years

You're back is much wider, your chest is thicker and it looks like you put 5" on your quads. Very impressive. Cant tell about the arms, but you never had an issue there
Something else I just noticed (and this can really show how much your legs have grown) is to look at your foot placement, the newer photo they are much wider yet your thighs are still touching much lower than in the first pic
Yeahp that's what you call progress!! The best part about your post is "just give me 3 more" your not satisfied or content! Keep at it man!
I think alot of it is muscle maturity, the muscle just looks denser and harder. plus the legs are bigger.

I totaly agree. Your legs look so much better bro. I have a feeling that your gna shock alot of people!!!!!
thats really impressive. just the difference in your body's thickness alone is unbelievable