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What if Your Son or Daughter Wanted to Use Steroids, Compete, or maybe even Just Use Cutting Agents Clenbuterol or T3?

Dude I'm so happy for that's an amazing story, and I'm a big enough man to say that the eyes got pretty welled up reading the story. God has a plan for your son for sure.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
Dude I'm so happy for that's an amazing story, and I'm a big enough man to say that the eyes got pretty welled up reading the story. God has a plan for your son for sure.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
u a religious man thud?
u a religious man thud?
Yes I am often want to bring it up, but don't want anyone to think I'm trying to bible thump them. He has provided all of these opportunities for me in this bodybuilding world and I am so thank full. I have even picked a Christian song for my next posing routine. Now I don't want to hear anybody jump up and say but you cud or do steroids or any other shit. I would never push it on anyone. Those are my cross's to bear and I will have to answer for way more than any of that. But I will definitely give God all the glory when I win my next show.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
one of my undergrad majors was the study of religion... not theology but history.. with a focus on Abrahamic religions, esp early christianity..

but im not religious in any way shape or form.. nor will i get into a debate about religion.. peoples feelings usually get hurt lol..

much respect to your faith.. if it makes you a better man i am ALL FOR IT
one of my undergrad majors was the study of religion... not theology but history.. with a focus on Abrahamic religions, esp early christianity..

but im not religious in any way shape or form.. nor will i get into a debate about religion.. peoples feelings usually get hurt lol..

much respect to your faith.. if it makes you a better man i am ALL FOR IT
Thanks brother i was not raised in church at all. All of my friends were going to vacation bible school when I was 10-11 so I asked my Dad if I could go he beat my ass and told me pussies went to church just to get out of work on Sunday so I never even thought about church again until I was 36. I am truly glad I did.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
I have thought about this many times. I think my kidney issues may be bc I abused the shit out of AAS earlier in life... So I don't know anymore. I feel like if they were going to I'd rather them do it with my supervision instead of trying all the mix of experiments I did, even after having a pro level guy personally tell me to avoid certain aspects. You all know as well as me we are all INVINCIBLE until after our mid 20's are over. I always thought everything was good with my Liver so I was OK...... I had a chest XRAY to make sure I had no cardiomegaly after heavy cycles, and light GH usage, so I thought everything was OK. I don't know, what stopped any one of us from using?
Im just saying this because I have no children, nor are there any children in my future. I cant imagine how someone in Leatherhead's position would even be able to think rationally. IF I had children in a perfect world it would depend on his/her intelligence and their degree of maturity. I'd rather my kid do steroids (getting them from me and allowing me to"guide" him) than drink or smoke... even weed. The legal implications in using steroids are quite literally inversely related to their degree of danger in any fashion. Our legal system has literally created 99% of the negative issues related to steroid use... Go America!
AND I feel you Thudgens... I don't press my views on anyone... but if you ask I will gladly share my series of near catastrophic moments in life AND everytime it is a blessing in the end.
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There is nothing that I woulnd't do for my son. He's my world. It's funny, because before his mother got pregnant, I said, we're going to have a boy, and I'm going to make sure he's hard, and fit, and a badass. He's going to live by rules and regulations, and he's going to be a good man. For punishments, I'll treat him like a recruit on Parris Island, and make him exercise until his heart explodes in his chest. Then he will learn a lesson and get fit. Well, then she got prego, and 6 months later they figured out there was a problem. I was deployed overseas, and I got a red cross message saying my kid wouldn't live to be born, or if he did make it to be born, he wounld't make it to be one year old. Now let that sink in. I was overseas, in a foreign country, doing things that weren't so nice. Then I'm told my kid is going to die before I ever meet him.
Fast forward, I get home, we jump through hoops, transfered hospitals, and met with a few specialists. They gave us hope. Fast foward again, he's born, 6lbs even 18" long, looked and sounded normal. Fast forward a year, because of his kidney issue, he drinnks ALOT of water, in turn it ruins his appetite, so he doesn't eat. So they install a G-tube, so we can hook him up to a machine at night so that we can fill his little belly with formula and medication. Also by this point, he's getting a shot every day, and orally taking 7 different meds. Doc appointments every week, eventually become once a month. 5 years later, his G-tube/button starts to crack, so they have to install a new one. I hope that none of you ever have to experience that procedure ever. Basically, the Gtube button looks like the inflator valve for a beach ball/pool raft/etc. They way they change it out, is they rip it out. Then use a tool that looks like a tire plug tool to put the new one in. I never heard a kid scream in such agony in my life, nor do I ever want to hear it again. I had to be removed from the hospital that day by security. I was told to wait outside because I was going to fuck the doctor up for doing that to my son.
Fast forward another 5 years. He's growing pretty good, actually on the growth chart. So they decide to remove the g-tube button, but he has something else going on. Turns out his appendix was screwing up, so he had that removed instead. Another year or so, it's time for the transplant. They had me in one OR and him in the next one over. They took my kidney out and walked it right over to him and started to install. While they were in there, they took his button out. My kid looks like a damn combat action war hero with 3 purple hearts, if you were to see him without a shirt on. Scars everywhere.
Now we're thining that everything will be great, now that he's got my kidney, and for the most part it was. He felt better than ever. Until the first time he got the BK virus and it landed him in the hospital for 10 days. The thing with organ transplant recipients, they are on immunosuppresants for the rest of thier lives. So what we might blow off as the sniffles, could land him in the hospital or morgue. So he's been in the hospital in bad shape about 4 times now since the transplant. Once they weren't sure if he was going to live. All because of a virus. He actually was just in the hospital last week for 5 days because of a UTI. They found out that his bladder does not completely empty when he urinates, and it builds up bacteria. Nothing like watching your kid crying because the pain is uncontrolable. You feel helpless and just wish you could take the pain for them.
My boy is 22 years old now. He's bigger than me, not muscular, but looks more "corn fed". He's a husky kid. I'm so happy that he was strong enough to prove the doctors wrong.

Wow Brother..... That is so much to have to go through
It's amazing what we can go through when we have to go through it
Thanks guys. I didn't even get into the custody battles and the doc almost taking him away to send him to foster care because of his mother, after we were divorced. I could probably write a small book. It's a wonder I haven't killed somebody or ended up mental. lol
I have been over and over this in my mind and with my wife for MANY years.

I look at this 2 way...

1st I have 2 stepson's with unreal natural talent and genetics. When they were young they were always the starts of their teams. (Twins) If they had ever had any heart with there genetics and were at a life changing level in sports I would have educated them and helped them achieve the goal. We all know it takes genetics, heart, training, and PED's. What levels the playing field for us mortals is usually the ones with the genetics don't have any heart.
Well the boys now 19 always felt like they deserved to be on the team. They shouldn't have needed off season conditioning etc..Long story short they haven't lived with us since they were 14-15. They were disrespectful, even verbally abusive to my wife. I had it very tough with the fathers I did have and come from a place where you don't even give a awkward glance when corrected much less talk back or you would be lucky to be able to stand after the beating you got. My wife felt it was all okay. BUT NO ONE even a child calls my wife a bitch in my house. Anyway no I never abused them as I was by todays standards but I cant say it wasn't a good situation for anyone so they moved in with their dad. Who never had much to do with them until I came into the picture when they were about 8. They are bi-racial and he didn't want a white man raising his kids, whatever. Even when they stayed with him they ran the roads all night and day. They ended up dropping out of high school. They are doing better but struggle with the decisions they make legally and when it comes to jobs.

Okay sorry so long winded. Most of you know I don't write long posts but I am trying to include all important information.

So fast forward. I have a 6 year old daughter and a 2 year old boy. They will most likely be very short. I'm short, as a matter of fact the Dr. would have put me on HGH if my parents had consulted him before my growth plates had fused. So I am always thinking about HGH for the kids during their growth years. I will likely put them on HGH when the time comes. I don't / won't make the decision lightly. I have trained and researched PED's for over 30 years including HGH.
Blah Blah Blah...
There is nothing that I woulnd't do for my son. He's my world. It's funny, because before his mother got pregnant, I said, we're going to have a boy, and I'm going to make sure he's hard, and fit, and a badass. He's going to live by rules and regulations, and he's going to be a good man. For punishments, I'll treat him like a recruit on Parris Island, and make him exercise until his heart explodes in his chest. Then he will learn a lesson and get fit. Well, then she got prego, and 6 months later they figured out there was a problem. I was deployed overseas, and I got a red cross message saying my kid wouldn't live to be born, or if he did make it to be born, he wounld't make it to be one year old. Now let that sink in. I was overseas, in a foreign country, doing things that weren't so nice. Then I'm told my kid is going to die before I ever meet him.
Fast forward, I get home, we jump through hoops, transfered hospitals, and met with a few specialists. They gave us hope. Fast foward again, he's born, 6lbs even 18" long, looked and sounded normal. Fast forward a year, because of his kidney issue, he drinnks ALOT of water, in turn it ruins his appetite, so he doesn't eat. So they install a G-tube, so we can hook him up to a machine at night so that we can fill his little belly with formula and medication. Also by this point, he's getting a shot every day, and orally taking 7 different meds. Doc appointments every week, eventually become once a month. 5 years later, his G-tube/button starts to crack, so they have to install a new one. I hope that none of you ever have to experience that procedure ever. Basically, the Gtube button looks like the inflator valve for a beach ball/pool raft/etc. They way they change it out, is they rip it out. Then use a tool that looks like a tire plug tool to put the new one in. I never heard a kid scream in such agony in my life, nor do I ever want to hear it again. I had to be removed from the hospital that day by security. I was told to wait outside because I was going to fuck the doctor up for doing that to my son.
Fast forward another 5 years. He's growing pretty good, actually on the growth chart. So they decide to remove the g-tube button, but he has something else going on. Turns out his appendix was screwing up, so he had that removed instead. Another year or so, it's time for the transplant. They had me in one OR and him in the next one over. They took my kidney out and walked it right over to him and started to install. While they were in there, they took his button out. My kid looks like a damn combat action war hero with 3 purple hearts, if you were to see him without a shirt on. Scars everywhere.
Now we're thining that everything will be great, now that he's got my kidney, and for the most part it was. He felt better than ever. Until the first time he got the BK virus and it landed him in the hospital for 10 days. The thing with organ transplant recipients, they are on immunosuppresants for the rest of thier lives. So what we might blow off as the sniffles, could land him in the hospital or morgue. So he's been in the hospital in bad shape about 4 times now since the transplant. Once they weren't sure if he was going to live. All because of a virus. He actually was just in the hospital last week for 5 days because of a UTI. They found out that his bladder does not completely empty when he urinates, and it builds up bacteria. Nothing like watching your kid crying because the pain is uncontrolable. You feel helpless and just wish you could take the pain for them.
My boy is 22 years old now. He's bigger than me, not muscular, but looks more "corn fed". He's a husky kid. I'm so happy that he was strong enough to prove the doctors wrong.

The struggles many of you have faced on here is pretty amazing. It says alot about your character that you were able to think clearly and rationally during such times. Everyone who has children says that they are happy that they did. Personally I'm glad I closed that door. The battles a parent must wage vigilantly day to day are just too imposing for me. Many times I see the laws being applied incorrectly to the detriment of the parents. I may think differently if I lived out in the woods away from our society and Governemnt, but with the current state of things it's not a battle I'm prepared to join.
The struggles many of you have faced on here is pretty amazing. It says alot about your character that you were able to think clearly and rationally during such times. Everyone who has children says that they are happy that they did. Personally I'm glad I closed that door. The battles a parent must wage vigilantly day to day are just too imposing for me. Many times I see the laws being applied incorrectly to the detriment of the parents. I may think differently if I lived out in the woods away from our society and Governemnt, but with the current state of things it's not a battle I'm prepared to join.
Which is why I got fixed. Society today is no place to try to raise a kid with any hope of them having a good childhood.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
ten years ago, maybe, i would have said flat out no way to steroids. my knowledge was quite skewed by the general public view. i had so many misconceptions about them or any peds, that it would have been difficult to think it was a good thing. truth be told though, i never research it, never considered how their use was quite prevalent in bodybuilding or any of the aspects that i've come to know about in the last year and a half. my exposure to them was always what was shown by extremist of the most extreme cases of steroid use. talk about propaganda. like those poster we got all the time about russian soldiers in the marine corps and asking if we were ready.

now, i'd feel as many of you do. that with being of age, the right foundation and mental attitude, proper knowledge of what the uses, administration, and so forth, i'd have to say i would support their decision in the matter. my son know i use them, and he has no desire to do so. he knows i mainly use them for trt as well. aside from being illegal, they truly are a benefit, even as one might say for recreational use.
I wasn't able to fit in with people my age in highschool because of it not to mention, no women...was too big lol.
I wasn't able to fit in with people my age in highschool because of it not to mention, no women...was too big lol.

i wasn't a big guy in school or anything special, i just didn't fit in. the only place i really felt i was fitting in was the marine corps, but alas, that was too short lived. and believe me, it isn't a matter of size, because girls didn't look at me as someone to be with either. i was okay to talk to, just not good enough to sleep with. you know, just a nice guy, not someone to be sowing wild oats with. after the service i asked why girls didn't want to date me, and someone told me it was because they didn't think i was the marrying type, because i hadn't been married yet. heck, why would i want to marry a slutty girl who panned herself out to so many guys to sow her wild oats, lmao.
I'm thinking of letting my oldest 17 use GW next football season. He will be playing both sides of the ball which a lot of kids from small schools do but there are a lot of kids playing football that use steroids. He is a good player but won't play in college now my middle son 8th grader who also plays varsity both sides is no doubt a d1 football player and I don't think he will need to use to accomplish his dreams

Edit but to answer the question I have no problems with them using and I'm sure they will ask me about it if they ever decide to do it. I will only encourage them to research and ask questions to decide what's best for them. I might make suggestions but I'm not that parent that tells my kids what to do I want them to be able to think for themselves
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