what is everyones weight right now??

looks like everyone has abs... <!--emo&+=--><img src="http://musclechemistry.mantisforums.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sarcasm.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='+='><!--endemo-->
35 yr old 6"2" 260lbs and gaining.. in week 3 of d-bol deca/test cycle with winnie for last 5 weeks of it..  was about 20% at 250lbs and up 10lbs with no gain in waist so far.. gotta love liquidex  :)
6'1", 260lbs, bf probably around 15%.  I'm in my second week of dieting down and will start a cutting cycle in about 3 weeks.  Abs starting to show, but I'm far from where I want to be.
6' 1/2", 207, BF 7-7.5 range, losing too much damned wt.  I am doing something wrong, I don't know if I'm not taking in enough cals are too much ALA, scratching my head.  I'm trying to add muscle and drop BF, which is a bitch.  I was shocked when I got on the scale and it said 207, I swear I look bigger than I did at 215.
I'm 6' 0'' tall and weigh about 205 (too small,,,but working on it,,,lol).  I dunno my bodyfat %, but guess that is is around 14%, but that is just a wild guess.  If anyone sees my pics in the members' pics section that is what I look like and if my bf% looks totally different then I'm just wrong about it.  I basically look just how I do in those pics still.   Will be starting my next cycle in 3-4 weeks and looking forward to changing my stats :)
43 yo. 5-6, 182 lbs @ 12% bf  3rd week of 9 week bulk cycle  abs have top 4 of 6 pac bottom 2 always problem (bike tire) after 39 yo, never used any thing like clen, T3, DNP, or  natural herbs
im 6'3"  and 275lbs.  bodyfat  ?   i got a 36" waist.  and probably over 30" quads  19" calves  chest ?  arms probably around 20" or more.  

I need my t3.lol
5'9" 192lbs, 10%BF, puny lil shit aint I!!!!!!! abs are a problem cause I like those damn berry fruit pies @ 440 cal. each!!!!!
gettin ready for a bulk.....sust 500/wk x 8, Deca 400/wk x 8,
d-bol 25/daily x 4 wks. I want to get to a comfortable 204 post cycle after shedding the water. I'm 31 years old but am considered a hard gainer because of my frame size and metabolism.