What is the difference between real Parabolan and Tren Ace ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So what is the differnce between real Parabolan and Tren Ace ?

and what is better ? I have heard that back in the day, that real Parabolan was the SH&T !!! Is that true, or is it overrated and you can get great results or same results from Tren A...(I never really researched Para cause it was never around)

Most of us can only speculate since we never got to use real parabolan. Are there any older guys out there who have actually used it?
Used the stuff back in the late 80's and early 90's. It was good, highly anabolic, little to no sides. It was good to stack with, but even back then it was expensive, and most guys that competed back then used the stuff for prep only. It took a hefty mg dosage to give you real good results. From what I have read and seen on the net, I am doubtful if it is even around anymore. I have seen it advertised from Chinese sources but I doubt its credibility. Also, if I am correct, Parabolan is a sister of Tren Hex, not Ace, I am almost positive but dont hold me to it.

Big JC
But is it gonna be worth the price vs. Tren A or Hex ?

I mean I have heard storys that Para was the sh%t .. but was it really ? I mean I dont know of anyone who has used it before, to say, "Yeah it will make a huge difference in how hard your muscles look" or whatever...You guys get what im trying to say ...
Pharmaceutical Name: trenbolone (as hexahydrobencylcarbonate)
Chemical structure: 17-beta-hydroxyestra-4, 9-11-trien-3-one
Molecular weight of base: 270.3706
Molecular weight of ester: 130.1864 (hexahydrobencylcarbonic acid, 7 carbons)

Effective dose: 76 mg every 2-3 days, 152 mg every 3-4 days...
Average Street-price: $70 per 76 mg vial
Available Doses: 76 mg/1.5 ml

Brands & Products:

Negma Parabolan (FR) 76 mg/1.5 ml

Also see "Finaplix/Finaject" profile.


Parabolan is another trenbolone product, in the same nature as Finaplix, so what's been said for finaplix pretty much goes for Parabolan as well. It differs distinctly in a few characteristics. Parabolan is a different ester that acts considerably longer, meaning you could go longer without injecting. But since it comes in 76 mg vials and few people take the time to inject multiple vials at once, its still used on a frequent basis. 2 or 3 days between injections seems to be the general norm. Leading up to a similar build-up of 228-304 mg per week.

Another difference is that Parabolan was specifically designed for human use. That would in itself make it a better choice than Finaplix because it needn't be prepared and the chance of faulty, painful, home-brewed injections decreases. But since it hasn't been manufactured in a while and legit lots only surface from time to time the price of the stuff is quite high. As more bodybuilders become aware of the absence of Finaject and that it is very hard to fake Finaplix, Parabolan is also being faked quite a bit. Usually fake trenbolone compounds are a low-dose testosterone propionate product. This has often lead to the belief that trenbolone causes gyno and other estrogenic effects, but that simply isn't true.

This belief has taken on a life of its own though. Making theories pop up all over the place. The only one that made sense, from some point at least, was that trenbolone was progestagenic and acted at the progesterone receptor. Its structure is similar to nandrolone, so this is a logical assumption. But even then, for progesterone activation to cause things like gyno, it needs to act as an estrogen agonist. It needs an estrogen as mediator. Since trenbolone doesn't cause aromatization, any sighting of gyno with trenbolone use should be regarded as a misinterpretation and is most likely to blame on another compound, an aromatizable one. So while trenbolone may increase the risk of gyno when stacked with heavily aromatizing substances, its simply not true that trenbolone alone causes gyno.

For more information on the substance trenbolone I refer you to the Finaplix profile...

Stacking and Use:

Trenbolone is relatively safe steroid all in all. There is some concern about kidney toxicity, but usually exaggerated. The beauty of trenbolone is that its one steroid that has it all : Its highly effective in its own, provides all lean gains which are fairly easy to maintain and isn't very prone to cause side-effects. Parabolan is the more expensive way to go, but definitely the most userfriendly as you side-step the need to make your own home-brewed concoction and any risk of involuntary infections and abscesses. Parabolan is quite hard to come by however, and should you find a real one, its not all that cheap.

Trenbolone doesn't have to be stacked per se, its quite effective on its own and as such is quite popular with beginners as it delivers good lean gains without extra costs. 76 mg every two or three days and you are done. But some prefer to stack it, and justly so. As a strong androgen mediator it stacks particularly well with base steroids such as nandrolone, boldenone and methenolone. Nandrolone for bulking, methenolone for cutting and boldenone can be used for either. As with basically any steroid, it stacks quite well with all forms of testosterone as well, most notably testosterone propionate during a cutting cycle.

Trenbolone is preferred over Winstrol, Masteron, Proviron and so forth in strength, so simply upping the dose to every day would be a better choice than stacking it with these compounds. Great gains can be obtained using oxymetholone or methandienone with trenbolone. Of course for short stacks of 6 odd weeks, and taking the necessary precautions. You need to use Nolva and probably add some winstrol if you are stacking with oxymetholone, since both oxy and tren have some progestagenic activity. So all in all a very useful, powerful and versatile steroid in use.

There is little or no need to stack secondary drugs with Parabolan. It does not aromatize. There is some concern as to Parabolan being progestagenic, so you should you opt to stack it with an aromatizable compound it may worsen potential gynocomastia so adding winstrol or Nolvadex, or even both to such a stack may be wise. But in itself or in a non-aromatizing stack this is not necessary. The use for post-cycle estrogen antagonists is limited as well, so Nolva or clomid to boost natural test will have little use. It is a very strong androgen receptor agonist however, so perhaps using some HCG from the second to the before last week of a cycle may help you retain more gains and prevent testicular shrinkage
Pharmaceutical Name: trenbolone (as hexahydrobencylcarbonate)
Chemical structure: 17-beta-hydroxyestra-4, 9-11-trien-3-one
Molecular weight of base: 270.3706
Molecular weight of ester: 130.1864 (hexahydrobencylcarbonic acid, 7 carbons)

Effective dose: 76 mg every 2-3 days, 152 mg every 3-4 days...
Average Street-price: $70 per 76 mg vial
Available Doses: 76 mg/1.5 ml

Brands & Products:

Negma Parabolan (FR) 76 mg/1.5 ml

Also see "Finaplix/Finaject" profile.

good post bro
Pharmaceutical Name: trenbolone (as hexahydrobencylcarbonate)
Chemical structure: 17-beta-hydroxyestra-4, 9-11-trien-3-one
Molecular weight of base: 270.3706
Molecular weight of ester: 130.1864 (hexahydrobencylcarbonic acid, 7 carbons)

Effective dose: 76 mg every 2-3 days, 152 mg every 3-4 days...
Average Street-price: $70 per 76 mg vial
Available Doses: 76 mg/1.5 ml

Brands & Products:

Negma Parabolan (FR) 76 mg/1.5 ml

Also see "Finaplix/Finaject" profile.


Parabolan is another trenbolone product, in the same nature as Finaplix, so what's been said for finaplix pretty much goes for Parabolan as well. It differs distinctly in a few characteristics. Parabolan is a different ester that acts considerably longer, meaning you could go longer without injecting. But since it comes in 76 mg vials and few people take the time to inject multiple vials at once, its still used on a frequent basis. 2 or 3 days between injections seems to be the general norm. Leading up to a similar build-up of 228-304 mg per week.

Another difference is that Parabolan was specifically designed for human use. That would in itself make it a better choice than Finaplix because it needn't be prepared and the chance of faulty, painful, home-brewed injections decreases. But since it hasn't been manufactured in a while and legit lots only surface from time to time the price of the stuff is quite high. As more bodybuilders become aware of the absence of Finaject and that it is very hard to fake Finaplix, Parabolan is also being faked quite a bit. Usually fake trenbolone compounds are a low-dose testosterone propionate product. This has often lead to the belief that trenbolone causes gyno and other estrogenic effects, but that simply isn't true.

This belief has taken on a life of its own though. Making theories pop up all over the place. The only one that made sense, from some point at least, was that trenbolone was progestagenic and acted at the progesterone receptor. Its structure is similar to nandrolone, so this is a logical assumption. But even then, for progesterone activation to cause things like gyno, it needs to act as an estrogen agonist. It needs an estrogen as mediator. Since trenbolone doesn't cause aromatization, any sighting of gyno with trenbolone use should be regarded as a misinterpretation and is most likely to blame on another compound, an aromatizable one. So while trenbolone may increase the risk of gyno when stacked with heavily aromatizing substances, its simply not true that trenbolone alone causes gyno.

For more information on the substance trenbolone I refer you to the Finaplix profile...

Stacking and Use:

Trenbolone is relatively safe steroid all in all. There is some concern about kidney toxicity, but usually exaggerated. The beauty of trenbolone is that its one steroid that has it all : Its highly effective in its own, provides all lean gains which are fairly easy to maintain and isn't very prone to cause side-effects. Parabolan is the more expensive way to go, but definitely the most userfriendly as you side-step the need to make your own home-brewed concoction and any risk of involuntary infections and abscesses. Parabolan is quite hard to come by however, and should you find a real one, its not all that cheap.

Trenbolone doesn't have to be stacked per se, its quite effective on its own and as such is quite popular with beginners as it delivers good lean gains without extra costs. 76 mg every two or three days and you are done. But some prefer to stack it, and justly so. As a strong androgen mediator it stacks particularly well with base steroids such as nandrolone, boldenone and methenolone. Nandrolone for bulking, methenolone for cutting and boldenone can be used for either. As with basically any steroid, it stacks quite well with all forms of testosterone as well, most notably testosterone propionate during a cutting cycle.

Trenbolone is preferred over Winstrol, Masteron, Proviron and so forth in strength, so simply upping the dose to every day would be a better choice than stacking it with these compounds. Great gains can be obtained using oxymetholone or methandienone with trenbolone. Of course for short stacks of 6 odd weeks, and taking the necessary precautions. You need to use Nolva and probably add some winstrol if you are stacking with oxymetholone, since both oxy and tren have some progestagenic activity. So all in all a very useful, powerful and versatile steroid in use.

There is little or no need to stack secondary drugs with Parabolan. It does not aromatize. There is some concern as to Parabolan being progestagenic, so you should you opt to stack it with an aromatizable compound it may worsen potential gynocomastia so adding winstrol or Nolvadex, or even both to such a stack may be wise. But in itself or in a non-aromatizing stack this is not necessary. The use for post-cycle estrogen antagonists is limited as well, so Nolva or clomid to boost natural test will have little use. It is a very strong androgen receptor agonist however, so perhaps using some HCG from the second to the before last week of a cycle may help you retain more gains and prevent testicular shrinkage

what i wouldn't give to try some old school real parabolan amps the ones that were 76mg/ml ampule!

Anyhow, just found this parabolan read on google, and was gonna copy it to articles!

Has anyone here ever used real Parabolan back in the day? Ive used trenbolone hex, and acetate but never enanthate
solid profile difference between parabolan and trenbolone acetate! and the varous trenbolone esters.
I see sources listing "parabolan" on their lists now, and i am gonna say its trenbolone hex , which to my knowledge isnt real or shall i say the original Parabolan but will do the trick. Ive done tren ace and the so called parabolan, they seemed to be identicle steroids to me in their side effects , pros and cons
SInce this thread just got indexed and a go to google search for paraboloan searches, i thought i would ask for a run down on this new (or new to me) trenbolone no ester and what thats all about?

Anyone have information on this tren No Ester
SInce this thread just got indexed and a go to google search for paraboloan searches, i thought i would ask for a run down on this new (or new to me) trenbolone no ester and what thats all about?

Anyone have information on this tren No Ester

I don't have a big fancy scientific breakdown of it but I've tried it before and it definitely can't be mistaken. Pin 100mg's of Tren no ester and that's all it takes to realize this is something you've never used before. First thing I noticed is that tren cough is about 100 times worse with no ester. Which kind of makes sense I guess. I never get tren cough that often with tren ace unless I pin it in the same spot too often. I seemed to get tren cough much more with the no ester and it as awful. It seemed like a lot more then just the cough, like I would start sweating really bad and get dizzy and pale. Not really a good feeling but it wasn't everytime. Just have to be careful about pinning and where you pin.

I've seen it a few different places usually dosed at 50mg's per ML. You seriously do not need any more that that. Something very noticeable to me is an hour after pinning it I would get this massive hot flash. I'd literally be sweating. Then I would get cold and clammy and nauseous. Then I would get another hot flash, and it seemed like as soon as that one went away (which all in all took about 10 minutes) I would get this slight euphoria and be ready to train. Was weird. I've used different TNE in oil and water based test susp and never felt anything like that.

Tren no ester really seems to kick even more ass when you mix it with 100mg's of Test base. Strength was noticeably increased. Seemed much more so then a lot of orals I've taken, which require more of a gradual buildup. There was a period where I used the tren base and test base together everyday for 2 weeks on top of already using like 750 test, 700 tren Ace, 600 Deca and I felt I looked the best I had ever looked in my life.

I feel like tren no ester just accelerated the results you'd get from acetate. like really friggin accelerated them. It certainly seemed much much stronger. Idk, I've tried a lot of different things, but it really was some serious shit. I didn't use it for a very long period of time because it didn't like that feeling when it first kicked in. Sometimes it would make me feel pretty shitty. Something just felt kind of off and I guess it freaked me out a little. I actually ended up giving like 3 bottles away which now I regret doing that because I want to play with it some more.

If you get a chance to try some it is worth it. A little goes a long way, IMO it's way stronger then test suspension or tne.
exactly the kind of real world user information i was hoping for! Beats all the copy paste material. So thanks daddio
Was just looking back at some of the names in this thread, since the beginning. Man, it's crazy.

That's some good info there, Trekrider. Thanks man!