What is the Heaviest Weight you have used doing close grip bench press?

315 for 35 reps i didnt think i would get that many i was on fire that day haha. heaviest was like 405 for 10. all before i had elbow surgery and had most of my cartlidge removed from football injurys and intense training like that on PK's big mistake!!!

nice numbers bro
mmmmm- I sure would like to see some of these numbers in person. Anywho I do close grip for triceps and my hands are no more than 3 inches apart. Only use 135-185lbs aim for around 15 reps.
When i did the 315 for 35 i was actually on a decline so that does make a difference the 405 for 10 was flat bench. doing them on decline didnt seem to bother my elbows as much.

I havent trained for almost 3 years now and just started back a week ago im curious if i will get back to those numbers again.
since then i had my elbow repaired a hernia repair and surgery on both my knees the left one twice. i was weighing between 305-315 then and hard under 10 %.

Now im 270 and soft probally around 20% first bench workout was a whopping 185 for 6 back then doing 450+ for 6 was easy. im curious to see how this muscle memory thing works haha. and how long i can hold out with getting on any gear. my wife isnt too thrilled about that. i said "training without juice is like having sex with a condom again it just doesnt make sense" hahaha
lol , those injuries sound devastating goodluck. Im glad I havent had any injuries. Close calls though , unfamiliar spotter unracked 315 before I was ready and it bounced off of my chest without any fighting of the weight. Hit me so hard I spit a loogie onto the floor like 4 feet away , It hit my chest bounced up and landed on throat , by that time my hands were on the bar and me and the spotter lifted it. Got up no injuries , no problems what so ever just a big adrenaline rush. Except my ego was crushed , so most weight I ever tried was 280 and got it , stupid spotter.

I do wish I could relive my whole highschool years though , train over summers , use the knowledge I know now , from the beginning and push myself the whole time.

I havent really worked out regularly since early june 2008 , so pretty much a year. I dont have a HUGE amount of muscle memory to gain back just about 15lb-25lb or muscle depending on the bodyfat%

So I wonder how much my muscle memory will play into the role , since I know the bigger deficeit the quicker the initial gains come.
well i definatly know strength wise i wont be able to get back to those numbers im too fucked up my elbow doesnt lock out anymore and its been almost 4 months since my last knee surgery and if im on my legs more than 8 hours it swells up ALOT had it drained 3 times already. and im a bricklayer so life is a bitch doing that. hahaha doc said i need knee replaced on my left but have to wait till 40 and im 29 now. all the cortisone shots and playing through and training with injurys wile on painkillers completely killed me. but i figured i would be a multi millionaire by now and not caring. but only made it to the CFL. and they gave me shit that i know aint used down here. and they didnt drug test. guys were on everything the locker room was drugs everywere. after my first game i had a bottle of codeine and flexaril and a 6 pack in my locker. no gatorade but plenty of beer. total bushleague up there.
havent done close grip in a long time but I just started throwing in a close grip bench on a smith but with ONE ARM
at a time. I do em at the end of my tri workout. I had to start with two tens - LOL
can you tell any difference of benefits from one arm smith?

cause ive never done it but just wondering what the stimulation feels like , sounds like it might be a just a variety thing.

reason I say this is , smith is going to be level always , so stabilizers low stimulation if you do one handed , maybe leverage will change equalling more of a forearm lift but I dont see it doing any big things for the triceps.

1 half of the group of normally worked muscles , so compound benefit goes down then stabilizing is cut out , unless you aid the lift with a rotation of your body. I see it being a sort of semi-isolation exercise.

How do you rate it compared to normal close grip with 2 hands on or off the smith , also vs dips? Because I know change of angles and all causes a more rounded build which leads to less weakness and your only as strong as your weakest link but I see the mechanics exactly the same as the normal lift just as less of a compound movement.

well i definatly know strength wise i wont be able to get back to those numbers im too fucked up my elbow doesnt lock out anymore and its been almost 4 months since my last knee surgery and if im on my legs more than 8 hours it swells up ALOT had it drained 3 times already. and im a bricklayer so life is a bitch doing that. hahaha doc said i need knee replaced on my left but have to wait till 40 and im 29 now. all the cortisone shots and playing through and training with injurys wile on painkillers completely killed me. but i figured i would be a multi millionaire by now and not caring. but only made it to the CFL. and they gave me shit that i know aint used down here. and they didnt drug test. guys were on everything the locker room was drugs everywere. after my first game i had a bottle of codeine and flexaril and a 6 pack in my locker. no gatorade but plenty of beer. total bushleague up there.

Cool. You were a pro football player. I used to watch CFL games as a kid on ESPN.

No shame in that homeboy. That shit's cool.

I wish I'd made a few different choices at the 17-21 year mark, but I guess that's half the bro's on the planet.

Good on ya.....I hope you got paid....
Nice Thread

Couldn't be better timing for me.

I've had a jacked-up left shoulder for the past 6 weeks. It's made worse by military press, flat, or incline. Anything wit the bar. I might have to hang up the bar, or start bringing in my hands to reduce stress on the shoulders. If the pain is gonna just move from my shoulder to my wrists and elbows, then maybe I'll just stick to dumbbells and cables.

I want to lift into my 70's (seriously) and am willing to be smart up front to facilitate that.

Great feedback bro's.

Y'all some strong mufucka's.
paid??? hahaha i signed a contract for 40 grand canadian and it didnt mean shit!!! after 2 games i was sent packing wiht the other american offensive linemen. if your an american you have to be active roster for so many years for the contract to be gaurunteed. its strange and they can have you on practice squad on week getting 350 canadian and the next week active getting like 3000 canadian. its very hard to make it as an american up there as an olineman. if your a skilled guy you have a better chance. and the fact that there was no drug testing made it even more insane. i could tell you all kinds of storys that would blow your mind!!! went against everything i ever was coached