what is the most times u have had sex??

9 x's w/ my girlfriend when I was 16 and she came all nine times
I will remember that day on my death bed (bust hurt after 8th time)
hairynutz said:
I was eighteen I poped a viagra went about ten times with  a thirty year old lady. Ended up shooting blanks after round seven, even had to break out the KY after a while.I love older women.

See if you still feel the same way about older women when you're 36(my age). Sad to say that most(not all) of them are pretty worn out by that age. It's pretty much sucks if you're my age, unmarried, and not rich(I'm just financially comfortable). Most of the women in my age bracket are overweight, on the downslide, have 2-3 kids, have been divorced a couple of times, and hate men. It'd be okay if I was in the same kind of shape but to be honest, I'm looking the best I've ever looked. It's very frustrating to bust your ass for 17 years in the gym; not drink; not smoke; not use recreational drugs(I use fina periodically to harden up); not have any failed marriages or children; and be stuck with what's out there on the market. Take my advice. Once you get into your late twenties, if you find a good catch, keep her. If you don't, it's nothing but downhill after that(unless you have lots of MONEY!).
Went to visit my gf one weekend and nailed her 15 times from late friday night to sunday around noon. Not sure what the 24hr period count was though.

I was a fvcking machine that weekend.
I've never been with a chick that could handle it more than twice in one day. Sometimes I wish that I was just a little bit smaller
Well, you might laugh, but this summer i took the nympho out of town for the weekend....

And we made it 14 times the first night, and a total of 26 times for the whole weekend. After a while i was sort of just burnt out on sex.....

But hey, i LOVE cialis....
5-6 times, many many years ago

i have also been with three different girls in one day; that was a great day!!!

also been with 3 girls at one time!! also a great day!