What is the one supplement that must have?


MuscleChemistry member
Have you found something that you just love and feel you get your moneys worth out of it?
Ill have to try that. For me the only thing that is a must is protein powder honestly. I love listening to the gnc dudes hock their wares though. It cracks me up. I wish you could have heard the spill on an NO product they were selling. It sounded like the fountain of youth and the cure for cancer all at once.
I think protein is by far the must have if I couldn't have anything else. I do feel they all have their place though.

Con-cret creatine...I love that shit, it's a staple in my arsenal hands down

Tried this and couldn't really tell a difference between this and other creatines I've used?

Purple Wrath

Want to give this a try asap... been looking for a good intra wo drink like this to add to my regime.
For me it's pre workout supplements. I like a lot of them but I just like the energy and feeling I get from them.

Note: (strictly my opinion) but......Because protein is so important for everybody I don't consider it a supplement but rather a necessity
i dig NO-explode, it works pretty damn good for me. some guys swear by the Vapor stuff. i tried it and threw up on my self in the locker room. so fuck that stuff!!
oh and tren ace!!!! 100 mgs every 2nd day. i cant live with out that either LOL
All I want to know is why whey protien wont fully dissolve even in boiling hot water...
glutamine sr from MHP.
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All I want to know is why whey protien wont fully dissolve even in boiling hot water...

"Proteins aren't "dissolved" by water. Proteins are covalently bonded amino acids that are held together by covalent bonds between their Carboxyl and Amine groups. So they're very stable and strong in terms of primary structure.

Water could disrupt the weakest levels of protein structure such as the Hydrogen bonds and Vander Waal Interactions, if the water is of particularly high or low ph. This is very vague.

Variables such as which protein, what kind of water, the temperature of the water need to be clarified based on my knowledge. I am pretty sure that the addition of water can't "dissolve" the covalent bonds between amino acids." source - Bio Major

That's a sign the protein is of a good quality. Synthepure doesn't disolve quick at all but I rather work harder mixing than waisting money on useless crapp.
Protein is a must, you can drink all the pre-workout, creatine,ect but what I comes down to it, you need protein after your workout. Repair what you break.
Protein is a must, you can drink all the pre-workout, creatine,ect but what I comes down to it, you need protein after your workout. Repair what you break.

Not flaming ya or being a prick but I thought that was standard.

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