What is the one supplement that must have?

"Proteins aren't "dissolved" by water. Proteins are covalently bonded amino acids that are held together by covalent bonds between their Carboxyl and Amine groups. So they're very stable and strong in terms of primary structure.

Water could disrupt the weakest levels of protein structure such as the Hydrogen bonds and Vander Waal Interactions, if the water is of particularly high or low ph. This is very vague.

Variables such as which protein, what kind of water, the temperature of the water need to be clarified based on my knowledge. I am pretty sure that the addition of water can't "dissolve" the covalent bonds between amino acids." source - Bio Major

That's a sign the protein is of a good quality. Synthepure doesn't disolve quick at all but I rather work harder mixing than waisting money on useless crapp.

Thank you! someone finally answered a question for me on here. I asked on another thread about NPP My buddy wants to take it by itself but I said I think it will cause low libido, he said it barely turns to estrogen so he doesnt think so. I cant find anything to back what I said unless it was the other form of deca that most use
some kind of low carb prework out no product about 4 times a day, and of course protein just got syntha 6 banana mixed 1 scoop with my unsweetened almond milk and a scoop of regular whey, damm its good
Synthetek's protein and the syntheselen/synthetine combo are probably my
favourite products that i have found so far. Been using them for over a year
N.O.explode, Cellmass and epozine...if I'm off that my workouts go to shit.
Anymore I only use 2 things other than protein, creatine and amino infusion by Prescription Nutrition, both are great prodcuts and I love them both
HUMAPRO, by ALR Industries. Hands down, without a doubt, I don't know what I would do without this product. I have both the pills and the powder - 5 cal/25g protein per serving. PERFECT for dieters like myself on low calories!
BCAAs - Scivation Xtend
But I plan to start BCAAs and more from PN.

Does PN do international shipping?

yes they do..but not sure on the pricing...

as for me, I love just the basic's like pro blend by PN and the amino infusion..I was using BCAA n More..but have switched to Amino Infusion
BCAAs - Scivation Xtend
But I plan to start BCAAs and more from PN.

Does PN do international shipping?

Not sure, but they ship through FedEx so I'd assume so. You've gotta try the Amino Infusion bro, I switched from XTEND to this stuff, definitely a wise choice. And I was even getting XTEND cheap because I used to be sponsored by Scivation
yes they do..but not sure on the pricing...

as for me, I love just the basic's like pro blend by PN and the amino infusion..I was using BCAA n More..but have switched to Amino Infusion

Have you tried the Explosion yet? I'm going to now that they have it in blue raspberry
Have you tried the Explosion yet? I'm going to now that they have it in blue raspberry

You will like Bro... I think it the best pre workout supplement... That I've tried in a long time.. It don't make you crash !!!
You will like Bro... I think it the best pre workout supplement... That I've tried in a long time.. It don't make you crash !!!

Good deal, the only thing I've really ever liked for pre-workout was NO Xplode, but that was even garbage. I just got a great deal on it and bought cases of it and I mean fucking cases because I got such a great deal that I couldn't pass it up. I got so sick of it that I swore I'd never take it again. I made a shit ton of money on it though, but it wasn't bad at first.
HUMAPRO, by ALR Industries. Hands down, without a doubt, I don't know what I would do without this product. I have both the pills and the powder - 5 cal/25g protein per serving. PERFECT for dieters like myself on low calories!

HumaPro is great!
Especially when you dont have the time for a meal:chicken:
HumaPro is great!
Especially when you dont have the time for a meal:chicken:

Hell yeah, it pulled me out of a jam Tuesday night when I got stuck at work two hours late unexpectedly and didn't have any extra meals with me. I keep a small stash at work, some in my gym bag, some in my purse... worked great when I was on vacation in October too. A few with my morning coffee pre-workout, held me over until 2 hours later when my family was finally ready to go out and eat breakfast.
Hell yeah, it pulled me out of a jam Tuesday night when I got stuck at work two hours late unexpectedly and didn't have any extra meals with me. I keep a small stash at work, some in my gym bag, some in my purse... worked great when I was on vacation in October too. A few with my morning coffee pre-workout, held me over until 2 hours later when my family was finally ready to go out and eat breakfast.

Yea it definitely comes in handy.:thumbsup: