What is your favorite compound

My guy no longer carried Proviron last time so I went with Mast E. This time I noticed it had gone up like $15 or $20 a bottle....
Stupid punk kids are f-ing up the market!!

The Dude Approved

I agree Dude!! Some guys here are moving vials of Test E 250 for $100-120 a bottle. Fuck That!!!
Test Prop, Proviron at 100mg+ ED, MC IGF at 120mcg+ ED,.....about to try Anadrol and Anavar so,...time will tell..... ;)

And, I absolutely LOVE the feeling of the first 10-15 days of DBOL!!!!!

Hell ya! DBOL had me tearing off the steering wheel on the way to the gym!! I would drive right up to the front doors of the gym. Leave my car up on the sidewalk and bust open the front doors in a violent manner and Rawr like a lion. Ok. So I didn't really do all that, but sure as hell felt like it!
Hell ya! DBOL had me tearing off the steering wheel on the way to the gym!! I would drive right up to the front doors of the gym. Leave my car up on the sidewalk and bust open the front doors in a violent manner and Rawr like a lion. Ok. So I didn't really do all that, but sure as hell felt like it!
I have impulse control problems so maybe i should stay away from Dbol
Primobalan hands down!! Legit primo gives strength like deca(no bloat) the look of tren(no tren sides), produces veins and hardning of the muscles. I absolutely love it.
It was Proviron until I tried Masteron. They do the same thing, but Mast Enanthate is cheaper and you don't need to remember a pill everyday.
What's not to love?! Makes other steroids more effective at lower doses and makes you look harder and leaner year round

The Dude Approved

damn I've yet to try either master one or proviron lol, maybe i should before i die