What is your favorite Lab?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
What is the best lab you have used?

Mine is Sciroxx.

I just wanted to get some ideas of some other potent labs out there...

Also let us know if there is a lab you would avoid..

I was kinda wondering about this as well. I'm about to start a cycle. I am trying to decide what website to order from and what brands/manufacturer to order. I mean why is Dragon Pharma so $$$ and MF's like roid plus, Genshi, Opiox Pharma... a lot cheaper? I mean it's just mg/ml you are paying for right. I reputable company's 200mg/ml isn't exactly better than anothers.... or is it>? Also there are options on the website I'm looking at for U.S. domestic shipping from N.Y Labs.. what's up with that?
I like Euro Pharmacy line from one of our sponsors PSL. I've ony used their Test Prop though. Just got Sustanon to go with it.
I was kinda wondering about this as well. I'm about to start a cycle. I am trying to decide what website to order from and what brands/manufacturer to order. I mean why is Dragon Pharma so $$$ and MF's like roid plus, Genshi, Opiox Pharma... a lot cheaper? I mean it's just mg/ml you are paying for right. I reputable company's 200mg/ml isn't exactly better than anothers.... or is it>? Also there are options on the website I'm looking at for U.S. domestic shipping from N.Y Labs.. what's up with that?

Yes the lab will make a big difference. Most important thing is potency. Also labs vary in PIP. Cheap isn't always better. Also the higher the mg/ml ratio the more PIP you can expect. Mostly PIP comes from poor technique from the user, but I have found the lab makes a bit of difference as well. Also I am not going to tell you where you should buy steriods from. My advice would be to stick to US. I ordered from outside the US once.. It took like a month to get my gear. I thought I got ripped off. lol. Hard to have patience when you are waiting on heaven in a bottle. ;)
bunited was a good lab but dont think there producing anymore. I myself think at least 2 of the very best out are IV and Biotech. Theres a reason theyve been around 10+ yrs each and stuff is always consistemt
bunited was a good lab but dont think there producing anymore. I myself think at least 2 of the very best out are IV and Biotech. Theres a reason theyve been around 10+ yrs each and stuff is always consistemt

yeah they are hard to find so I'm thinking that they might have quit
bunited was a good lab but dont think there producing anymore. I myself think at least 2 of the very best out are IV and Biotech. Theres a reason theyve been around 10+ yrs each and stuff is always consistemt

ok. I have heard of biotech, but haven't used it. Might consider it for next cycle then.
For tren-E -Deca-U.G.Freak- For inj. D-bol- Drakon lab at S.F.- T.N.E. Test-C & E I make myself this yr, im going to make my own tren-e for spring. last 2yrs ive been winter(jan.-Feb-March) Bulking with test/750,wk-Deca/600,wk-inj.dbol 50mg./day-spring(april-May-June) Tren-e400mg..E 4 days-Test 500mgd/wk, and with the way I work spring/ summer and have a hard time eating when its hot,I work outside.. It doesnt take much for me to cut up.
For tren-E -Deca-U.G.Freak- For inj. D-bol- Drakon lab at S.F.- T.N.E. Test-C & E I make myself this yr, im going to make my own tren-e for spring. last 2yrs ive been winter(jan.-Feb-March) Bulking with test/750,wk-Deca/600,wk-inj.dbol 50mg./day-spring(april-May-June) Tren-e400mg..E 4 days-Test 500mgd/wk, and with the way I work spring/ summer and have a hard time eating when its hot,I work outside.. It doesnt take much for me to cut up.

I wouldn't mind learning how to make my own gear too.
I have a buddy who is a Registerd Nurse. I never thought I would take so much pride in that untill I starting reading these threads on home brewing.:lurk: I'm so blessed.
I gotta say my brothers black lab bird dog is my favorite. He is t affraid of anything, he is half catahula. Fetch a goose out the river ice cold as a witch's tit. Good lab