What keeps you motivated?


I mean, life would be a whole lot easier to just be fat and lazy. What keeps you going day after day, month after month, year after year...???
jaywooly said:
I mean, life would be a whole lot easier to just be fat and lazy. What keeps you going day after day, month after month, year after year...???

Damn that's a good question. I think that myself all the time. You know for me I like being extraordinary and sticking out (in a good, not bad way). I guess I love the attention! I think it also makes you feel good to know that there is one thing in life that you can have some control over. If you eat like shit, you'll look like shit and feel like shit. If you train hard, and eat right consistently you'll look damn good and feel great! To me the boring every day routine of egg whites, oats, chicken, fish, beef, rice, and protein shakes (not to mention being a human pincushion from time to time) is well worth it!
i think for me, it's being different from everyone else. not different in a way to draw attention, but just being and doing what i want. it's never been hard for me to go to the gym, or eat right, it's what i love to do. the hardest thing for me is staying in the mindset that less is more, not going to the gym to do some extra abs or lacking badyparts is so hard for me.
It seperates my from my freinds, who mainly lay on the couch. Another big one is it seperates me form my past, kinda keeps the new page turned. No one would have ever suspected to see me mr athlete fitness guy, and I love the reactions when I run in to someone form the past. The mirror is also a big motivator, so are half clothed little hotties running around this time of year. They tend not to like the fat couch potatoes types.
Over all life

I would have to say it got me out of trouble and away from my old past which would have led me to going to prison or laying in a grave for the wrong reasons and then it also has a part with people not ever thinking you could change your self and basically showing people you have what it takes to move on to the next level and push though anything that comes in your way in life and most important.. for me it brought me back with my faith which showed me that being in the hospital laying in my death bed then getting back up and no Doctors able to explain it then back in the gym the next week go harder then ever. People take life for granted and when I was in my death bed I started remembering the little things such as walking down the street or even going to the gym and lifting or just wakening up in the morning or going to the store but its good to be back in the gym, getting bigger, and getting stronger mentally/physically.
Go buy the new Pumping Iron 25th Anniv. watch it before you go to the gym. That usually gets me pumped. Besides that I look at my body for motivation. Seeing my own body grow and change motivates me. If all else fails try some new supplementation or aas.
Motivation is a big problem for me, some mornings I just drink some coffee and listen to some hard music and can pound away at the weights, most days nothing motivates me. I'm a pretty easy going hard to piss off guy so I don't get the infamous roid rage to throw at the weights. I'f I get good sleep and have energy then I usually just force myself into it then once I get going I can keep it up all day doing different sets, but its hard for me to get started. :angry:
jaywooly said:
I mean, life would be a whole lot easier to just be fat and lazy. What keeps you going day after day, month after month, year after year...???

nice avatar bro!!! lmfao!!!
Actually in all seriousness....stimulants keep me motivated!!!
With training I feel better, look better and generally have a greater sense of well being . This is motivation enough, but I am sure I am not alone when I say that the PAST is definetely a motivating factor also.
For me...

it provides a cornerstone(stability) in my life. I have a hard time getting up sometimes, but once I get to the gym , I am ok.
Just knowing what I am capable of, and pushing the envelope. I get pumped when I see the scale change, or putting another inch on my arms. Just knowing that you have some control over yourself.
Couldn't pay me not to go. The only thing I really look forward to during the week is the hour and a half I spend at the gym everyday and the huge meal that follows.
Every now and then, I feel like skipping the gym, but most of the time, I look at pictures of what I used to look like, and in comparing what I look like now, that motivates the hell out of me because I don't want to look like I did. 130 lbs to 195 lbs is a BIG difference. Like lilpapapump, I also get pumped when I see I've gained size or the scale readout changes.

j/k about that. The scale and my appearance in the mirror motivate me to work hard in the gym(and outside the gym as well). The satisfaction of creating the way you look through hard work is not comparable to anything else.
I have nothing fucking better to do, although today was my first day back after a 2.5 week layoff , it felt good to not go for me, I have been pounding week after week for years and every now and again i take a couple weeks off and that motivates me as well to get back in there and do my thing
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Presser said:
I have nothing fucking better to do, although today was my first day back after a 2.5 week layoff , it felt good to not go for me, I have been pounding vodka week after week for years and every now and again i take a couple weeks off and that motivates me as well to get back in there and do my thing

yep, that vodka will do it to ya after a couple of weeks...lmao

PJT said:
Couldn't pay me not to go. The only thing I really look forward to during the week is the hour and a half I spend at the gym everyday and the huge meal that follows.

I hope its something good at least :-)
Fear of being fat and lazy. The older you get, the greater the fear. I never thought even for a moment that I'd be focusing on power lifts at my age but one look at my age peers at a family re-union is enough to do it. I'm just not ready to be that small or that weak. Not yet anyway. I may die with a half-filled beer bottle in my hand but that 'll be because it's the only thing I can still lift.