What keeps you motivated?

I use to be fat and lazy, so at first I did it to get the chicks. But now I don't need to do it for the chicks anymore so I do it to prevent me from being fat and lazy and because I have nothing better to do with my time.
Being able to flatten someone on the field motivates me. Plus when you look good, you feel good, and everyone likes to feel good, right.
brew said:
It seperates my from my freinds, who mainly lay on the couch. Another big one is it seperates me form my past, kinda keeps the new page turned. No one would have ever suspected to see me mr athlete fitness guy, and I love the reactions when I run in to someone form the past. The mirror is also a big motivator, so are half clothed little hotties running around this time of year. They tend not to like the fat couch potatoes types.

that sums it up for me to!!
BiggerStronger said:
chicks dig muscles...

yep....even the ones that say they dont care are absolutely full of shit. the ones that say they dont care are the ones that never dated a true meathead that can lay the pipe. once they get someone like that.....all of a sudden it matters if the guy is jacked or not because thats what they are used to
The best motivator for me is my before picutres. I can't believe that I let myself look like that. Its been long enough now thta i know I will never go back. If you do the same things that you always do, you will always be what you are. That works with good habits and bad habits as well
i am a lazy person,sometimes i don't even feel like walking the dog,cardio is a nightmare...but i found out that even when i dont feel like going to the gym,if i force myself outside of the house it's done....once i step in the gym i feel like another person,allways motivated:D
Pretty much what everyone has said.

It balances my life. It's a constant that produces change. Nothing like looking back at pics and seeing a big change. I like it when people do not even recognize me. Awesome feeling. It makes all the hard work worth it.

When you are happy with yourself then you are truly happy.
I never answered.

Nothing makes you feel better than when someone you used to lift with says, "Damn, what are you, 250 now?" And my simple reply is, "270." The look of shame on their face because they couldn't cut it and they quit lifting.

Okay, that maybe a little, but the women are a big motivator for me.
I get that too bro....Here's how the convo usually goes:

Person - What'cha weighin these days? about 150lbs
Me - haha
Person - No, really?
Me - oh...uh....190lbs
Person - Shut up you asshole...no, really tell me?

At this point I usually go home and eat a box or two of Ben and Jerry's. It's good that we have something in common jay...lol
i have a severe case of muscle dysmorphia, if you don't know than look it up....good lesson for the day....but i just got the shit on the brain.....I feel like atrophy is setting in when i wake up in the morning....i get depressed as a mother fucker. I am also a college wrestler......and im clean/natural for the record......well during high school i was and we can discuss the rest later. My coach is a penis head and he has the tendancy to motivate people......or motivate them to be motivated kinda like the drill sergent in full metal jacket......real cockface

but if im not in the gym, i guarantee you there is another 197 lber out there (i weigh 220 holy shit i gotta cut some weight) who is in there busting his ass and probably will run his ass off afterwards. So if im not working as hard or harder than him then god be with me if i ever meet him in competition
I used to train for a while and drop it after i lost motivation, and pick it up a few months later......... but once I did my first race it totally changed me. Now sometimes while training I ask myself why should I push that extra mile???? Why should I work-out today??? Then I think of my answer..... Race Day, and how good it feels to come in 10 sec. faster than my previous time.

And that people, is what does it for me. The PAY-OFF !!!
I dont want to be like everyone else

I like to walk into a room and know I'm the strongest one there. I like when other guys chics are checkin me out and it's killing their ego but they just stand there with her and take it!!!!!I never wanna be just another guy....drowning in normalcy....and yes even eating 2 dozen krispy kreme donuts !!!
I was a real overweight kid, I mean lets out it this way, at age 18, I prob was almost 250lbs, size 42 waist, and NO muscle, jsut a real huge slob and I was mad at myself. One day I quit smoking and starting going to gym and thats how it started. I still am not where i want to be, I am about 210 15%bf now so I have come long way, but want to get to 10-11%, nothing ntus, but that would be great, jsut feeling great and looking great is what keeps me motivated. Looking at people smaller than me as I look larger:). Not everyone can do waht we do, to lift religiously and put in the dedication, eat, rest, supplementation, but just looking in the mirror and having people compliment you is the pay off.