What kind of degrees you peeps have?

BS in physical Ed. and health
MA in the same field
almost completed specialist in ed.
don't know if i will finish up with a doctorate, we shall see.


MINOR Psychology
working on BS in CIS (computer information science)

i'll be 30 this year.... i took a small detour out of highschool, USMC. Been working full time everysince I got out and piecing together what will someday amount to a degree.
Big Guns said:
BS Computer Science

(yes I know technically I'm a nerd)

I feel your pain Big Guns, I'm a nerd too. LOL

I have a BS in Computer Science and work as a Classified Systems Analyst.

I know were though of as nerds Big Guns, but on payday we get the last laugh :D
No degree.....dropped out after my third year....didn't and still don't know what I want to ge when I grow up......actually I'd Love to coach football either professionally or at the college level......coach Pop Warner right now but I don't think that'll get me where I want to be......we shall see

I'm in junior high, and I live in my parents basement. Mrs. Church is my favorite teacher.
BS mathematics,Bs Physics and minor in Chemistry w/optics.
I work outside now for myself doing stuff regular folk dont want to do and make twice what I was making as an scientist at a big chemical company.
I'm halfway through getting a BS in mathematics, BA in biochemistry and a minor in biology and math.

after that i'll get my MS and PHd in Biochemistry/Biomedical Chemistry and then go on to get my DMD and practice dentistry.

Or i might skip the MS/PHd and come back and do that later.
I have a B.Appl.Sc in Biochemistry & Physiology, and two M.Sc's, one in analytical chemistry and the other in Biochemistry.

Before anyone gets carried away, the Analytical Chem M.Sc was in the bioaccululation of heavy metals in aquatic oranisms (cut up 2000 fucking oysters!!!).

Did you know that when oysters are at there tastiest, it is right before they spawn? ---- when they are 66% by weight - GONADS.
I can't eat them anymore.
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