What kind of pet.....

i have a littlemale brown dog no idea what breed is he i rescued him from the animal shelter ,i also have a2 yr old female red tail boa who is almost 6 ft ,and a 4ft male ball python ..
2 Dalmations,,, follow me around the house like shadows,sit and watch me when I workout at home and have a fit when I walk out the door with gym bag in hand heading to the gym,then go crazy and run around the house when I return!
alaskan malamute female, 52 kgs, 4years old, spoilt rotten and pulls like a locomotive.
my sis has a miniture long haired chihuahua :D, looks like a ferret, and i have the biggest, fattest cat i have ever seen.
gotta love em though, cant walk in the house without a welcome home party from all of them.
tychethebulldog said:
Hey guys what kind of pets do you all have?
I've got a 1.5 yr old female English Bulldog, she's a stout little dog with good muscle definition she weighs 56 lbs. and damn is she spoiled.:D

i also have a female english bulldog, and she is just under one and a half, she is fukin stocky and one tough bitch!!! and a yellow lab that is approx. 5 months. . . he is gonna be a big fuker
tat2dmuscle said:
my english bull just passed after 11 years
but i still got my vietnamese pot bellied pig

thats shitty bro, my first english bulldog died about 2 yrs ago and she was barely two y/o. . . . still don't know what happened exactly. . . :mad:
I have a blue Betta Fish. He loves his big bowl and red blood worms. Can't have a dog because I work two jobs and play softball and go to the gym, so it wouldn't be fair to the dog AND I can barely feed myself sometimes let alone a huge dog. One day, when I am making enough cash at one job, I will get a dog.
I just put down my beagle after almost 13 years. She had a great life as a house dog.
And a thumbs up to the people who choose not to have dogs because of their work conditions not making it fair for the dog.
LaMastaKilla said:

thats shitty bro, my first english bulldog died about 2 yrs ago and she was barely two y/o. . . . still don't know what happened exactly. . . :mad:

yeah, i used to breed english bulls and we lost alot of puppies,and even a beautiful brindle male at 2 years old..I was lucky with the breeding females,they both lived to be 11
Hey guys, I also have a little maltese it's mine and my fiancees though, what she always wanted, it's a little girl, only 4 lbs, full grown and the coolest dog I've ever owned.

This is a picture of her as a pup, (they are all her, I just doctored the photo to look like 6)