what rep range do you prefer on squats?

A normal squat session lately has gone like this

Warm up sets of 60kg x 15, 100kg x 15

Then a nice blast of 140, 180, and 200kg for 10

Last set is a super set of 180x6, 100x10, 140x8, 60x15 - with people either side stripping and loading, so it's literally rack and unrack. BURNS!
8-10 when the weight is light enough for 10-12 I make sure they are super slow reps. This really burns!!!
I usually do 6working sets to plus 2warm ups. I seem to need the extra sets for squats other wise I feel like I havnt done it justice
I used to do a set of 100 once a month and it seemed to really help overall size, staying with strict form got tough after 70 or so, but if you have a weight that you know you can do for 100 reps, all you have to do is focus on strict form. But on a regular basis, 8-12
start out light with 2 warm ups of 10 reps, then 1-2 more warm ups of 5 reps...Then a working set of 6-8 reps (maybe 10) then a blow out set of 15-20 reps
5,8,10,12,15,20???? reps for size?

I like the 15-20 rep range now since that's the only thing that seems to get to my legs. I warm up with a light weight, then I try to go as heavy as I can trying to get more reps. If I can get 20 easily, then I add weight.

I get extremely light headed after I put the bar down. Never had this in the past. You guys get this?

This is probably because you're blood pressure goes high when you do this exercise, then all the blood leaves your head. I get that all the time and have to put my head down. The more you hold your breath to push up, the more this will happen. Try to breath through the movement.