what should i take


New member
I took deca qv 300 for the first time 7weeks ago and im done.
Should i take it again with test 400 or what should i take guys.
How long should i wait to start again give me a time cause i do not get my blood checked an i do not visit a doctor:cool:
You should give it about the same or more time as you were on cycle to get your body to normal state or point. As of combination with other stuff can't help you there but i bet strider, presser or Cyphon can help with those combination....
First of all bro, you should always use test as base to your cycles. You took deca 300 for 7 weeks? did you take clomid after your cycle? If not than you will crash pretty bad and lose most or all of your gains. For your next cycle your should take Test 500mgs and bump the deca to 400mgs also do a cycle for 8-10wks not 7. Make sure you eat like a beast if your bulking. Once your done have your clomid ready and take it. good luck newb...
southside, be shure and do some post cycle theropy after your cycles to recover your natural hormone levels and prevent post cycle side effects. Like HCG, clomid, Nolvadex.

My typical post cycle recovery plan is the last week of my AAS cycle I do an HGC shot, that will jump start you endocrin system but its temprary, at the same time I start out with 300mgf of clomid for 2 days then drop to 200 for 2 days and drop to 100 mg for the remaining days up to 10 days I also take Nolvadex to prevent any post cycle gyno starting at 20-30mgand slowly tapering off over 2 weeks.