What Size Pins???

Size Needle do you prefer to use?

  • 18g

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 20g

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 21g

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • 22g

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • 23g

    Votes: 13 56.5%

  • Total voters
tsingtao said:
I prefer the 23g x 1 1/2 Not too big and not too small.



That is what I normally use as well unless its in the quads and delts- I use 25g for those.
supermannpc said:
they should make a 24g
the 25's are good but it takes like 20 min to unload it

warm it up a bit bro, makes a huge difference but it'll still be slow just not as slow!
I have had the same thoughts about a pin between 23 and 25. I actually have more problems loading it though--takes forever with a 25, but no problem unloading it.
mikeswift said:
warm it up a bit bro, makes a huge difference but it'll still be slow just not as slow!

Okay so I guess I'm a "pussy" since I ordered some 25's about 2 seconds ago(along with some B12!)...So how do i warm this shit up? Like in my hands or nuke it in the microwave or what?... lol
just get some water in the sink some hot water let it sit in there for about 4 minutes or so and that should warm it up just enough to get in and out just fine. i personally never had a problem with 25g. and also where did you get your b12 isnt b12 water based???? not sure never used it but i thought it was if it is then that shit will go through even a 27 gauge like a squirt gun.
I'm going to have say 20's at this point. I've only used a 25 and 20 (came with the Mexican deca I have) so far. I don't like the fact that I have to have a needle in my ass for what seems like an hour trying to get inject this shit. I'm referring to the 25's of coarse. No matter how long I let that crap sit in hot water it still takes forever to inject. So, I'll go with he 20's even though it's like sticking a pencil in my ass.
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Glute with the 25 gauge 1 1/2 '' and draw with a 20 gauge. With he gear ive been using it takes a while to push through though, a real PAIN IN THE ASS LMAO!
i draw everything out with 18s, 23 1" glutes and quads- 25 5/8" for bi tri and shoulders, slin pins for everything else......
i dont draw with 18's ive noticed that it tears just a little bit of the stopper after over and over use. I dont wanna accidently stick a tiny piece of rubber in my body. Or even just clog up the needle while in the process. I use a 25 guage half the time and i pin and get it over with in about 5 minutes total.