I would think EQ would be king along with IGF and GH. The whole thing is stupid. I want to see the most impressive shit I can... if they are willing to do it then who are we to say what they do to their own bodies... it's a terrible path America is taking is wrong. They use any excuse they can to pass laws... the fact is that laws limit freedoms.. bad people do bad shit.. why do I have to wait three days to get my gun because some jackass on the other side of the country decided to shoot his wife?! What does that have to do with me and why are my freedoms being further limited? People are just stupid.. America was built on freedoms... now if you don't have medical insurance you pay a tax??? And no that doesn't apply to the shit bags that live on the dole. They don't pay taxes... they COLLECT massive paychecks from the Govt based on their children etc... people don't know that Tax Refund is not correct. For instance in the shit hole I used to work it was routine that the dirt bags would work for 3 weeks or whatever to pay in the minimum to file for a return... pay maybe $300 in taxes... and then get "refund" checks of over 10k... many of them spend much of the year in jail as well. This country is fucked
is that even possible to work a few weeks and get a 10K$ tax return? im serious?
I would definitely have deca in the mix if they aren't testing for the feel good nature of it, improved callogen synthesis and bone mineral content. As a fighter I'm sure your body feeling good will go a long way in the ring especially from a mental standpoint. Improved red blood cell count is going to boost endurance and carry more oxygen. Enhanced protein synthesis, IGF1 and nitrogen and the reuduction in the glucocorticoid hormones is going to drive endurance.
is that even possible to work a few weeks and get a 10K$ tax return? im serious?

You have to look for tax CREDITS, and they mostly depend on the number of dependents and such. Tax credits are paid to you regardless of how much you paid in taxes. The dependent deductions can quickly take low income people to $0 owed in taxes, so they get all their tax money back. After that, tax credits can keep taking you higher. Tax credits are treated as if you paid that amount in taxes, so if you owe $0 in taxes you get the tax credits paid out to you.

For example, if you have two dependents in child care you can get tax credits of up to $6000. It is no more than 35% of the amount you pay for child care though. You can also get up to $7500 for taking care of your elderly parents. You can also (depending on income) get all of the money spent on Obamacare given back as a tax credit. You can get Earned Income Credit, but that is not too much, and Saver's Credit (saving money for retirement if you earn under $60,000 filing jointly) as well.

It would be hard to get a full $10,000, but I can see $5000 easily enough with child care and elderly care credits.