what to do?


New member
hi guys 2 weeks into a test/tren/mast (blend) cycle also taking 1mg of arimidex daily my gyno has flared up a little and i am worried it will get worse after a few more weeks, i thought id list a few options and see what is best advise

add more masteron to blend
add proviron daily?
change arimidex to aromasin?
add nolvadex?
stop blend asap
stop blend and jus use a single compound like tren?
open to other suggestions
How much test are you taking a week?

1mg of arimidex is a large amount unless you are taking a lot of test, wondering if you blend may not be a blend at all and maybe all test.

Nolva and caber maybe helpful if the blend is truely a blend. You maybe having prolactin issues with the tren (caber will help).
the blend is rip blend and says more test then tren and mast - something like 75/50/50

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arim 1mg daily and still having sore nips
Are you pinning ED or EOD? That's a lot of Adex like stated above I don't use that much till I'm usually over a gram of test per week and that's at 1mg of adex EOD not ED. I would have to say it's a P side not a aromatase side also. What are your gyno symptoms? Just sore nips or have you developed a lump?

OK I just saw you said sore nips. Get you some Anti P from this site and start it if you don't want to get bloods done. I would keep running with sore nips until you start getting a lump. Just don't play with your nips.
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I agree with Masher get some anti p ...... Tren makes my left nip tender so I start anti p before I even start tren and now problem is non existent
Welcome to MuscleChemistry.com cuttinup. Stick with Masher59 that's what I would do if I was in your position.
ok i have nolva on hand already i was going to use after cycle, should i take it with the arimidex or drop the arimidex and use aromasin?

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the nipple is sore and starting to look a bit pointy
hi masher
they feel a little sore and its hard to describe but the best i can do is to say i can feel something happening with them if you now what i mean , iv also noticed they are puffy and pointy looking already even though im on 1mg of adex - it may be a little bit of pre existing from a long time ago but the fact is i can feel them sore or timgle a bit and also noticble through t shirts - im happy to up the adex, add nolva or use nolv and aromasin or stop the course asap - what ever it takes

Are you pinning ED or EOD? That's a lot of Adex like stated above I don't use that much till I'm usually over a gram of test per week and that's at 1mg of adex EOD not ED. I would have to say it's a P side not a aromatase side also. What are your gyno symptoms? Just sore nips or have you developed a lump?

OK I just saw you said sore nips. Get you some Anti P from this site and start it if you don't want to get bloods done. I would keep running with sore nips until you start getting a lump. Just don't play with your nips.

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i am pinning every other day 1ml per time
Are you pinning ED or EOD? That's a lot of Adex like stated above I don't use that much till I'm usually over a gram of test per week and that's at 1mg of adex EOD not ED. I would have to say it's a P side not a aromatase side also. What are your gyno symptoms? Just sore nips or have you developed a lump?

OK I just saw you said sore nips. Get you some Anti P from this site and start it if you don't want to get bloods done. I would keep running with sore nips until you start getting a lump. Just don't play with your nips.
anytime you have already present signs of gyno from estrogen, then you need Nolvadex, which competes for the receptor with already present free floating estrogen, whereas the arimidex and others are for preventative measures as in they stop the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, so if the gyno is already present with itchy, or puffy, sensitive nipples then you need to load up on nolvadex

now if its not an estrogen related gyno issue then you'll need to take anti-p and discontinue the steroids that contribute to this until the anti-p kicks in
ok so if i order some anti p from here what is it? aromasin>? arimidex? also how discreet or legit is it do i fill out my persoanl details with no fear of combacks?