what would U get??

probably just a test and maybe a bottle of anabolic...I like eq or deca...

sust 250 at 750mg per week
eq at 200mg per week
I am so very sorry, I should have never laughed out loud like that. Please, please forgive me
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if it was only 4 bottles it would be test only no question. Not enough volume to be able to run anything for a decent time frame if you went with 2 compounds.
if it was only 4 bottles it would be test only no question. Not enough volume to be able to run anything for a decent time frame if you went with 2 compounds.

excellent point actualy, u never cease to amaze me brutha, just when i start thinking ur as dumb as a box of rocks, u prove me wrong
lmao! Really? I think an all eq cycle would be great with only 4 bottles...if your a woman! Don;t we put most out wives on this shit lol?

Or maybe if your a P90X'r eq would be cool too lol.

To each their own though :D

lmao, u kill me man
lmao! Really? I think an all eq cycle would be great with only 4 bottles...if your a woman! Don't we put most our wives on this shit lol?

Or maybe if your a P90X'r eq would be cool too lol.

To each their own though :D

Or I could do 4 bottles of test...hell lets ramp it up to 2 grams so I bloat up & then lose every lb of water I put on with it b/c none of it was permanent muscle:D
Or I could do 4 bottles of test...hell lets ramp it up to 2 grams so I bloat up & then lose every lb of water I put on with it b/c none of it was permanent muscle:D

Alot of us grow like a weed on test and with a clean diet hardly see any bloat at all, especially when im running aromasin. Im not bloated one bit during the week. Right now i am a bit because i ate about 4k cals for dinner and dessert last night.
Alot of us grow like a weed on test and with a clean diet hardly see any bloat at all, especially when im running aromasin. Im not bloated one bit during the week. Right now i am a bit because i ate about 4k cals for dinner and dessert last night.

Well I agree everyome is different but at this point in the game for Me if it's not gonna be more permanent gains I don't have interest...(EQ, Primo, Tren, GH & IGF)etc
I definitely feel like I grew faster/better on prop than I am with the cyp. Am I right on this, or is it my imagination? I know the cyp is slower acting, but damn. I feel like nothing has changed after 4 weeks.

***I figured since most were suggesting prop, this would be a good place to ask***
excellent point actualy, u never cease to amaze me brutha, just when i start thinking ur as dumb as a box of rocks, u prove me wrong

just cause he's a sheep fucking redneck, dont mean he's stupid