What would you guys advise?

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Harvey Balboner

Need some help on what to tell a friend. He has just started working out again seriously for bodybuilding about 3-4 months ago. Not new to lifting, he worked out in high school for sports not bodybuilding. Worked out occasionally since then, not religous like now.

This guy is naturally skinny (ectomorph I believe it is called?) but wants to compete, diet is in check.

Question is he was asking me about if he should keep trying to grow naturally or try juice?

I wasn't really sure what to tell him since he wants to compete, it would take forever to get there naturally, but he wants to compete should he just go ahead and cycle? If he does cycle it will be a reasonable one, I will help him out with it.

His stats about 24 years old, 6'1 @ 195 @ around 8-10% body fat a guess, but he is pretty lean.

What do you think?
Forgot to mention, he plans on juicing eventually, but is dead set on competing, I think naturally he will only be able to put on about 20 more pounds because of the way he is built.
I'd tell him to work it naturally for about a year, and once his natural growth starts to stagnate, than hit the gear
Yeah Harv, I think he should go natural until his ligaments and tendons mature, and he reaches his natural potential.
That's kinda what I thought, but was thinking with this guy's goals, he might be better off to just go ahead an cycle.
I think most of the pro's even say that you should stay natural for 4 years or longer before you juice.....I also think he'll have joint and tendon probs if he starts to juice too soon
He has worked out for a few years, just not as avidely as the last few months. His routine was more of lifting for athletics instead of body building. But I'm think he would be better off to wait a little while longer.
I would think that at his age, he will start to see some very encouraging results naturally, since he has been avidly lifting for a few months. Stay motivated, the results are going to be obvious soon. then he'll be in a better position to take full advantage of cycling. Just my $.02.
I agree completely. His tendons and ligaments will be better prepared, he'll learn what he needs to do diet and exercise wise to grow as a bb'er so that he'll get the most out of the juice. And, he'll probably learn whether he really enjoys competing, and be even that much more motivated (or lose interest) before he decides to take the next step.
If he really wants to compete I think its alright for him to juice. As long as his diet and trainning are good. Just make sure its low dose of test.