So many of those guys have inflated stats on paper it's silly. I'm 6'5" and Cenas head will fit in my armpit.
So many guys are recommending these retarded cycles for "bulking" or "cutting" and in both cases I think they are crap. So say for an advanced or seasoned guy that wants to put on some muscle, but stay beach ready. What are the simplest things you would recommend.
I would keep mine simple and what's works for me
2lbs of lean beef a day
Other than that, just be sensible. I think you can eat Subway, Firehouse, or whatever a few times a week and still stay super lean and gain. I would keep meal replacements and bars to maybe once or twice a day.
I would do 45 minutes on the treadmill 5 days a week. I would like to meet the person who says they can't fit this in.
Here's where I differ. Weights 3 times a week. You'd be training each bodypart once every 10 days or so. I would do one compound movement and the rest would be machines. Im liking doing the FST7 every couple of workouts, but NOT each time.
Lastly the drugs... oh the drugs... I'll list them in order of importance
1. 500 mg of test... preferably test Prop at 150mg EOD
2. 50mcg of MC IGF (because this is easy to get people don't appreciate it's effects) I don't know why this is... everyone is chasing exotic crap and GH when they can get better results and guaranteed quality...
3. Deca at 400-600mg a week...
LAST and this is icing on the cake would be Proviron at 50mg a day or Masteron at 400mg a week.
You should also be doing ECA 3 times a day. Another product that is vastly underrated.
No you're not going to gain 20lbs in 4 weeks, but you will gain muscle as fast as your body can process the food and you will stay or get hard and dense as well as dropping bodyfat very quickly if you can stick to it. I find myself posting this advice time after time so for some of the search say guys... here it is... I'd love to hear opinions or alterations from anyone else
I need to bump up my Deca! Other than that, I'm on the prop 500/wk, proviron 50/day, 100 mc igf/day. My Deca is only at 200/wk.

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Ya.... I'm about 6'7 -6'8 as long as no one is around me... I tower over the kids in the child care section..

Maybe I'm the exception to the rule but other than the day before I train delts or the day of I can do 4cc in each delt.. 2cc in the side and 2cc in the rear and not even remember I did it 5 minutes later. I get some hot water in the sink and let the syringe warm up for about 5 minutes and inject slowly, but never any problems. My delts just get so pumped sometimes that the underlying muscles spasm. I can't do IGF in them any longer.
Leatherhead I think 300mg is about the lowest deca dose I would do... I think. I'm doing 1 cc once a week of Deca, EQ, and test so I'll have to check the mg per ml. Well... I'm supposed to be doing that. I hadn't done a shot since 4/20... I just looked it up. Guess what I have to do today... I hate doing shots. Fortunately this old ass muscle doesn't go anywhere