Whats more effective, Clen or ECA?


New member
Since i am getting these head aches from CLEn can i just stick to ECA. in your opinion what is more effective.
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why would you want to stick to an ECA if its giving you headaches?

have you tried running 2 weeks clen, 2 weeks ECA?
Yeah, ECA is a fine substitute for clen! For some people it's pretty much the same thing...everyone's body is different!
You did say you were getting headaches from clen!

First off headaches are a common side effect of clen, but clen is by far better than ECA.

Just my opinion, cause I used to get real bad headaches from clen that I stopped taking it. Try getting the liquid clen with ketotifin in it. I take it right before bed and have no side effects other than with the keto I sleep better than ever before, and of course waking up in the morning sweating.
If I recall I belive that there are a ton of mucle retention benifits to clen that you will not get from ECA stacks especially when coming off of a cycle? something about blocking the receptors? sorry, a more experienced person will have to add to that.

Have you tried taking some pain relief medicine? (tylenol) again, I don't know if that would be considered a no no. ?
DrMoney23 said:
ok, what are your goals bro?

here is what i am on i started this monday and my main goal is to loose fat and gain lean muscle.

here is my cycle

1-12 75mgfina eod
1-12 100mgprop eod
1-10 150mgeq eod
1-10 500mgenth/week
1-7 40mg var ed
1-8 40mcg t3 ed
1-16 clen/eca 2/2 cycle
1-16 20mg nol/day
1-16 .5ldex eod
13-16 clomid, 100mg-10days, 50mgs 10days.

100mgprop+75mgfina+150mgeq = a hit eod
250mgenth = 2 hits a week
40mcg of t3 at night b4 sleep
clen 1 dose in the morning one in the afternoon
i take 40mg of var in the morning


1 bodypart a day, 6 days a week
chest, back, arms, shoulders, legs, abs.
30min cardio after every workout
Sunday is complete rest. i might even squeeze in a cheat meal.


150-200g carbs, mostly in the morning and after training
250-300g protien, spread through out the day


2-3 prtien shakes a day, if i am broke i will go for optium if i have money i will get my favourite Designer Whey.
4.2gCLA, split in three doses
10gcreatine, 5g b4 workout 5g after workout
10g glutamine, spread throughout the day with protien shakes
1.5g Vit C, split in 2 doses
1 tab of Vit B complex
1-2 tbs flaxseed oil
Hey bud give Ripped Fuel Extreme a try and a good healthy diet.

Ripped fuel extreme has worked better then anything i have taken. Clen/eca etc...

Give it a try i bet you will love it;)
just got my puter back from the shop checked your journal out sweet cycle very similar to the one I'm starting next week. Run the liquid clen the stuff works great. the ketofin makes you sleep like a baby. the only down sides are excessive sweating and the shakes when you get the doseage up you don't have to taper down though.Ketofin also keeps your receptors fresh.