Whats the biggest pin you've ever stuck yourself with?

modizzle said:
never used one b4 but am sensing on the way soon after am done with my pct for just oral cycle...any ideas what to use as far as pins for EQ/test/ cycle...?...Anyone?...
22 to draw 23 to shoot, although I shoot with 22 only, others like 25 but they have small testicles!!!
when I was new and knew no better I was using the 18 g sust redijects. It was not to painful to inject, but for a week after I walked with a limp!!!
my first cycle, i didnt know any better and didnt realize the size would matter that much and i got a bunch of 18's... needless to say, it didnt take me very long to realize the SIZE DOES MATTER. i stick with 23's now. they treat me MUCH better.