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What are differences in Melanotan 1 and 2?

Which Melanotan Peptide has fewer side effects?

Is it true Melanotan 2 not only tans you but also has the effect of enhancing your sex drive (libido)

The uses of
Melanotan are primarily for people who want to achieve a tanned skin color and they do this because they want to avoid having to sit on the sun for many hours while exposing themselves to the dangers of the UV rays. In this article we are going to be talking about the main differences between Melanotan 1 and Melanotan 2 and what you need to keep in mind when it comes to the possible side effects that you might have to deal with.

These are peptides that will allow for anyone with a fair skin complexion to get a nice and natural looking tan when it gets injected in the body. This is the reason why it has grown in popularity for so any people who want to avoid the hassles that used to come from trying to get a nice looking golden tan.

Melanotan 1

· Melanotan 1 emulates the action of the melanocyte stimulating hormone

· Melanotan 1 emulates the effect of naturally produced melanocyte

· Melanotan 1 has no significant side-effects

· Melanotan 1 is more expensive than Melanotan 2

· Melanotan 1 is not as easily found as Melanotan 2

Melanotan 2

· Melanotan 2 emulates the effect of naturally produced melanocyte

· Melanotan 2 is a shorter version of the peptide called afamelanotide

· Melanotan 2 provides libido enhancing effects as well as a tan

· Melanotan 2 is more affordable than Melanotan 1

· Melanotan 2 can be found quite easily

The one thing that makes Melanotan 1 the best choice is the fact that it has no side effects at all and that is always a plus for anyone. The problem is that Melanotan 2 does provide an energy and libido boost that makes it very appealing, and harmful side effects have only been found in people who take a larger dose than they should.

Melanotan 1 is safer, but it does cost more and it is harder to find it. If you are just looking for tanned skin and you don’t want to deal with side effects, you might consider Melanotan 1 worth the investment. You will probably find it as long as you know where to look, but Melanotan 2 provides the same tanning effect with the added bonus of boosting your energy, stamina and libido, plus the fact that it is significantly cheaper. Some of the side effects can include increased blood pressure and palpitations, but most people who know how to use it moderately have never reported any issues.

Your choice will depend on your budget and the reasons why you want to use this peptide in either version. Just remember that the use of this kind of product should never be taken lightly and your doctor should give you the ok on its use before you start taking it. With that said, you will find that both versions will have the same basic purpose and that is to provide a tan for anyone who needs it fast.
Melanotan 1 and Melanotan 2 are peptides used for <string>skin tanning. Check out Differences between Melanotan 1 and Melanotan 2.</string>
Melanotan 1 and Melanotan 2 are both used to get beautiful tanned body. Most of them know to have tanned body, people around the world apply sun tan crèmes and sit under the sun for hours. But, for those people who don’t want to do that and get the tanned bodies need to use Melanotan I or Melanotan II
Melanotan 1 or Melanotan 2 are peptides when injected in the body of a fairly skinned person will result in skin tanning without any need of any exposure to sun. Melanotan 1 or Melanotan 2 is not an FSA approved product. peptides also has some long term health problems. But, there are lot of people who are willing to use this product.
Melanotan was developed in 1981 at University of Arizona. It was a new tanning drug which was invented and there was lot of buzz around it.

[h=3]Difference Between Melanotan 1 and Melanotan 2[/h]
[h=3]Melanotan 1[/h]
  1. Melanotan is actually a synthetic hormone that mimics the action of MSH or melanocyte stimulating hormone.
  2. Melanotan 1 (MT) produce the effect of naturally produced melanocyte within pituitary gland.
  3. Melanotan is a straight, full length peptide.
  4. MT I gives tanning effect without any side effects.
  5. Melanotan 1 is costlier than Melanotan 2
  6. Melanotan 1 petide is not easily available
[h=3]Melanotan 2[/h]
  1. Melanotan 2 is analog of melanocyte stimulating hormone.
  2. Melanotan 2 (MT II) produce the effect of naturally produced melanocyte within pituitary gland.
  3. Melanotan 2 is a shortened, circular version of the afamelanotide peptide.
  4. Melanotan II gives tanning effect, but has Libido enhancement and spontaneous erections as side effects.
  5. Melanotan 2 is cheaper than Melanotan 1.
  6. Melanotan 2 petide is easily available
Melanotan 1 (MT) is better than the Melanotan 2 (MT II) as it doesn’t have any side effect.
Because MT II is cheaper and more available, people tend to go for it. REMEMBER MT I is safer and better but it costs you more.

I've thought about Melanotan 2 for a good while now. Working a swing shift of 6p-2a, I don't have the time to lay out or spend the extra money for the tanning bed. I burn quick, then it tans & then I peel. Then the process starts all over again when I'm back out in the sun. Lol! I've read there's a small window in the beginning for loading up. Small dose for about 10 days I believe. Then a weekly dose to maintain the desired tan you like.
yeah read a lot about it yesterday and libido effects, anyhow, thinking about carrying this here so thought i would research and share
yeah read a lot about it yesterday and libido effects, anyhow, thinking about carrying this here so thought i would research and share
Id love the libido effects.

Planning a 4 day fuckathon in vegas, and id be bummed if i suddenly got tren dick or lost sex drive.
I really like melanotan 2 way cheaper than tanning. As far as libido I have only used in show prep and the sex drive was rolling like a freight train any way. Lol great for tanning

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I've got several bottles of Melanotan 2 and I just don't use it because it gives me a terrible stomach ache and makes me nauseous. I used pretty low doses too. Now that Silk and I are at my parents house every weekend at the pool with the puppy and with me walking her a couple times a day I've been getting ALOT of sun. My biggest problem is that my legs don't tan. Melanotan enhances your bodies NATURAL tanning tendencies so for someone like me I look like a black guy in the face, a Hispanic guy in the torso, and then an Asian guy in the lower half. Even my Wang looks Asian LOL!!
I fucking love MT2. So much I have like a 2 year supply in my freezer right now, which i'm not even sure if the stuff is good for that long. I used to rep for a peptide/hgh/raws lab on another forum and instead of getting paid in hgh I started just having him send me kits of MT2 once I started to see how awesome the stuff works.

Background, i'm of ginger complexion but mostly have brownish hair. I've tried tanning beds in the past but after a month I would just peel and regardless of how often I went I never really got a good tan. After using MT2 for only a month I've developed an incredibly dark tan. People I've worked with a long time were blown away to see me getting darker and darker by the day. I have not peeled a single time since I've been using it. The MT2 does make for a very solid tan and you can tell its there to stay for as long as you run maintenance doses.

Personally, I started with .100 mcg, and each night went up another .100 until I got to 1mg about 10 days later. I actually stayed at 1mg a day for almost a month just because I had so much, and read the paler you are naturally most likely the more you'll need to take. On the other hand, my girlfriend is naturally a very tan person. She can get dark dark dark brown in basically one session laying out in the sun. I gave her very low doses of Mt2, like .200mcg EOD, this was still too much. After a few weeks she was developing dark rings under her eyes. Basically there are certain areas on the body, like the genitals for instance, that have more melanocytes or whatever, basically they can get a stronger pigmentation, so MT2 can make those areas a little too dark if your not careful. She decided ultimately she didn't need it.

I do think MT2 is best for people who have trouble tanning. The paler you are naturally the better effect you're going to have by this. Start dose low though because it can make you a little nauseous and flush. I've only been using a small amount off and on now because I started to get lazy. I notice I can't seem to go back to even light doses without getting nausesous if I take too much time off. You really need to keep the doses low and consistent.

All in all, i'm absolutely amazed what MT2 has done for me. Oh one more thing.
At first it can seem like you're getting all these new freckles out of no where. I ended up with a good amount on my back fairly quick. I was worried because at the rate they were increasing I didn't think i'de be able to keep taking it. However, after a month or two they no longer continued to develop. And for me, as the tan starts to wear off after a while the freckles gradually go away as well. They really aren't that bad, though, but everyone is different.

Defintely great stuff. I recommend it to all you ultra violet gingers out there.
I've been using MT2 for two years now and I love it also. I've also got several of my good friends using it now also and they love it as well. From my experience if its your first time using it even low doses will give you a bit of nausea but it doesn't last long at all and it doesn't affect your appetite. For me now using it regularly I have to take a rather large dose to get any nausea so get through the nausea phase and you are ready to go. For my group the nausea phase lasted about 4 days on average and then it goes away unless you take a high dose. For me I've noticed as I have gotten older I burn easier and will stay red for a while and it doesn't really turn brown but keeps a red tint to it. Since using MT2 this is no longer the case I can stay in the sun too long and turn a bit red as if burning but then it turns brown by the next day like it did when I was younger. Once you start using it you will notice your freckles and moles darken, this is a good thing because that means it's working well. After they darken get ready for the magic because it's go time and you are about to get a killer tan. I get as many compliments on my tan as I do for being a rather large individual and they really go together well showing off muscle definition and veins.
I just started 2 about six days ago makes me a lil nauseous at first but my skin is getting darker and the hard woos is insane almost embarrassing.. I was at the docs office Friday and got a huge boner just before lady called me back to give blood oh well I just rocked it with pride lol..
Man I don't know if my dick even works anymore.. I've been so stressed for so long that when I'm around Silk I have so much I want to talk to her about that I end up falling asleep before I can give her a proper waxing. I need to work on that
Man I don't know if my dick even works anymore.. I've been so stressed for so long that when I'm around Silk I have so much I want to talk to her about that I end up falling asleep before I can give her a proper waxing. I need to work on that

might wanna look into pt 141 i think its called, suppose to be amazing with cialis for this issue,
Man I don't know if my dick even works anymore.. I've been so stressed for so long that when I'm around Silk I have so much I want to talk to her about that I end up falling asleep before I can give her a proper waxing. I need to work on that

Life happens fast sometimes you just have to come home on a mission for ass. Wherever you find her when you swing the door drop her right there and take her to pound town.
I heard that it works better for guys who are naturally lighter in skin color. I got something in me that makes me pretty olive even in the winter time; buddy said it wouldn't do much for me.

FYI, I stop using sun screen end of june, because I never burn and it only makes me darker...............there is such as thing as too dark!!